The Colours of Me

Something Green

There was nothing particularly outstanding about Evie, although she had her times. The first time i had ever saw her I thought she was stunning, she had wavy lilac hair and a nose stud, her clothes were trendy and stylish. When I had first started the course i never thought someone like Evie would want to sit next to me or even talk to me, she had that appearance about her that suggested that she was up her own arse. But nonetheless she waltzed over we exchanged a few pleasantries and began working together for a group assignment. in the group featured another girl that had caught my eye, 'Jet' however i will get to her later. Evie appeared to me as someone who was easy going and welcoming, even if she didn't appear the sharpest tool in the box. After a couple of weeks it appeared as though she would follow a particular set of rules that she had set herself on what to bring to a conversation which include the following;

1. Her boyfriend Matt who works at waitrose
2. The trip to Vienna with her boyfriend matt
3. Topshop

It appeared as though she could literally fit one of these topics into a conversation, and fitting all three into one i would mindfully count as an achievement. Example A, suggest we go to town she will undoubtedly mention Matt, example B, we will be in a lesson and any shape could remind her about something in Venice which did i mention she went with Matt her boyfriend. Example C is a kicker when we will be in topshop and Evie picks up a shirt with stripes and says this top man shirt makes me sad because it reminds me of the men who pushes the gondolas in Venice when i went with Matt. it just simply amazes me. I mean it was cute the first time but when we go back there and she says the same thing again i just cannot.

However, even though i have described her with a simple sense Evie almost begins to layer herself u as you get to know her, metaphorically speaking. As time has passed since i first met Evie she's begins to contract herself as someone with more problems than you can imagine, although i sympathise with her it almost begins to unravel in the same pattern as her previous conversational topics although to give some credit with a bit more complexity;

1. Her mothers bipolar disorder, although not a nice topic it does creep up unexpectedly. Evie has further developed this into her mother bipolar disorder being down to the 5 miscarriages she had suffered. Evie also likes to drop onto us that every wednesday she has to drive her mother to the hospital to get shocked.
2. Her job working at the Portway Inn, she has frequently begun complaining about which is understandable due to the nature of the jobs. and although she would never admit it she is the on who frequently gets shouted at because she doesn't fight back, and easy target if you will.
3. Her weight, this for me personally is the on i physically can't stand, Evie is petite as fuck. Simple. however, she has begun to tell me of her anxiety issues about her feeling fat and i worry because for me who was once overweight i worry because she is a good looking girl. which proceeds to it being down to societies pressure for women to look underweight and she does have a point. but anxiety about it, i think not because she doesn't need it.

Although a simple mind, over the weeks I'm beginning to get to know Evie i begin to find her traits more and more endearing. I mean for all i care every time i mention a Gin and Tonic and she says the story of when Matt drank a Gin and Tonic in Venice and got really drunk on it, she could tell me it again and again (which she has) because i know she has a warm and welcoming personality that I'm afraid someone might trample on.

And thats why Evie your my something green, peaceful and calm and simple but unique in your own way just like a leaf at the top of a tree who I'm afraid will fall to the bottom.
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Evie although you have to explain a joke to her is endearing and unique in her own way, which i wish to be peaceful and welcoming to others just like Evie.