The Hunted

Chapter One

Cold words slipped from a colder mouth, and I cowered in the corner afraid. She was dead, but it meant nothing. Her words she spoke, even the imaginary, caused more harm then they had ever done good.
Her vacant eyes stared beyond me, her white skin looked as though it was marble. She couldn't have possibly ever been human. She must've been a demon from the moment of conception to the moment of her death, because even in death she was still beyond the most frightening creature I had ever had the sheer misfortune to meet. Her spindly fingers reached out suddenly, and her eyes finally focused on me.
I tried to scream but I couldn't. My breath and voice both caught in my throat, and I felt my heart race in fear. I was trapped in an unmoving shell and because of that, today was the day I died.
She took a step closer and my heart froze suddenly, as if her presence coming closer be-stilled it in its beating wake. I felt my skin go cold as my face turned blue. She was choking me from a distance, I could feel it. Her mouth curled in a scream, and the pain became more and more unbearable as the seconds ticked by.

Then just like that it was gone, and I tried to make sense of it all as I woke up once again from the same nightmare that had haunted my nights for so long. My hands shook, my breath shook. My skin felt like ice, and my heart like lead. I was cold, oh so damned cold.