Status: Yep, I'm jumping on the Adam train :)




This is no boy next door story. It ain't about the girl next door either...

Marina Gates met Adam Levine for the first time when she was 17 years old in a smokey pub; he was preforming with a band called Kara's Flowers back then. How could she resist those piercing eyes?

After one night together, Marina left Adam to wake up alone.

A failed college attempt landed her a job as in a coffee shop. 21 years old may have been a bad time in her life to become a waitress, but Marina really had no other options. And this is when she ran into that beautiful singer who happened to be with a band called Maroon 5. His fame level was rising faster than it had with Kara's Flowers... She did not want to be some propaganda stunt, but how could she resist him? Marina couldn't.

After one more night together, a very drunken night, she left him lying alone in another hotel room... this time with a note.

This brings us to the beginning of our story... Marina is now 33 years old and Adam is at the peak of his career. He's on a popular TV show, his band is doing extremely well. She's still afraid of his fame, but she can't deny that she has strong feelings for the man.


"I can't do this with you again...
Only to wake up to just a piece of paper!"
"I'm tired of pretending... You know, it hurt
like hell to leave you with just a piece of paper!"
~ Marina