Until you love me

The phone call

You head slowly towards the kitchen .. Hot chocolate and a girly chick-flick sound like just the thing you need. You grab the cocoa powder, milk and a mug and begin to mix the Hot Chocolate. when you're done you walk into the living room, place the mug on the table and kneel down to choose the film. Your eyes skim over the many DVD's you have. None of them call out to you so you pick 2 at random, "The Holiday" and "How to loose a guy in 10 days". They're 2 of your favourite films. You turn the lights of and place the first DVD in the player and settle down on the comfy sofa.

Two hours later and you're dropping off, it's far past your usual bedtime and you're finding it difficult not to fall asleep. After 5 mugs of Hot chocolate you've begun to feel slightly nauseous. You decide to crawl upstairs to bed. You don't bother to switch the TV off as you topple of the quilt covered sofa, you don't bother to undress as you stumble into your room, you just fall onto the bed, pull the covers over your head and fall into a deep sleep.

You wake in the middle of the night with an annoying ringing sound coming from downstairs. You try to ignore it but it won't go away! after 3 more rings you throw the cover off you and practically fall downstairs. You find the source of the ringing and place it to your ear.

"H hello??" You mumble, you're still waking up.

"Hi .. did I wake you?" It's a voice you don't recognize.

"Yeah .. who are you?" You inquire, rubbing your eyes a bit.

"Oh sorry .... I'm Alex"

"Who?" You ask groggily.

"Alex .. from the hospital ?" He has started to sound slightly nervous. You have to stifle a giggle.

"Oh .. you with the crazy marriage obsessed grandma?" You ask. You're fully awake now.

"ha ha .. yeah that's the one."

"hey , why are you ringing me at this time? why are you ringing me? where did you even get my number from!? " You babble, getting more and more suspicious every time you ask a question.

"Err .. I um couldn't sleep ... and I was bored ... and I got your number from the Hospital"

"You couldn't sleep at .. Err" You glance at the clock and you're surprised to see that it's 7:00 "7:00 in the morning? What kind of mutant are you? And I thought those details were confidential?"

"My dad owns the hospital and I bribed him into giving me your number!" You chuckle and pretend to be shocked.

"OMG I cannot believe you did that, Alex!" You exclaim, your cheeks feeling as though they're burning with suppressed laughter "You have shocked me to the core! I am disgusted in you and I never wish to speak to you again!" There is silence at the other end of the line.

"You're not being serious are you?" He asks,

"No, of course I'm not being serious you idiot!" You laugh at him, he laughs with you. There's a long silence.

"Listen, here's the real reason I rang ..." He sounds embarrassed. You hold your breath.

"I Err was just wondering .... whether you would like to Err go to dinner with ... one of my friends?" You nearly have a fit!

"You mean like a blind-date?" You ask, you don't want to go on any sort of date at the moment.

"yeah. Will you?"

"what's he like? wait, he is a he, right?"

"Yeah! He's called Mark. Tall, dark hair, nice, funny, Err kind of sarcastic at times."

"I don't know .... "

"please?? He really liked the sound of you when I told him about the Hospital!"

"Well ...."


"O - OK then."
♠ ♠ ♠
OOh going on a date with someone she doesn't know!