Status: Active



Instead of a simple at home dinner with my dad, by the time I passed out and left the hospital he had managed to turn the simple dinner into a black tie affair. A large van with Sally's Catering was written on the side. I parked my car - after I'd walked back to the dance studio to get it - next to the van with a sinking feeling in my gut. My dad wasn't a simple man. He was very ostentatious when it came to showing off. Somehow in the two hours I'd been gone dad had the house decorated in silver and crimson banners, with Harvard written all over them hanging from the ceiling. Balloons and streamers were all over the house. A table piled with fancy food sat in the corner. The dining room table had been set for at least fifteen people, and I could hear pots and pans banging around the kitchen.

"Tada!" I looked up and saw dad standing at the top of the stairs. Dressed in a black Armani suit he gracefully glided down the stairs towards. He wrapped me up in big hug. He was about ten seconds away from crying and that I could not handle.

"Dad what the hell is all of this?" I demanded.

His face fell and my heart hurt when he asked, "You don't like it?"

"Oh dad it's great. It's just a little . . . much." He looked around before looking back at me and his eyes were sad. "It's great dad. Thank you." His frown transformed into a grin and I used every bit of strength I had left not roll my eyes.

"Your mother says she can out do me when you get accepted to Berkeley but there's no way she can top this." He dashed off into the kitchen to make sure the food was perfect. "Oh by the way I had a gown picked out for you just for this occasion." He called back to me.

Oh no. I could only imagine. It was probably some god awful crimson dress with Harvard stitched into about a million times. Upstairs in my room, on my bed lay the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. Deep rich red, the fabric chiffon, it felt like liquid in my hands. A pair of black high heels lay next to it and set of diamond earrings and necklace lay next to it. A note lay on top of the dress.

To my darling daughter,
I've always dreamed this day would come. The day I finally get to see my daughter become a grown woman. Starting college and being on her own. You are truly an adult. This dress symbolizes that. Enjoy and remember I love you.

Love Dad.

I wiped away a single tear before dropping the card. I picked the dress up and held it in front of me. I looked into the full length mirror and smiled. I undressed and redressed quickly. I did my hair and makeup. Slipped into the high heels. Clasped the diamond earrings into my ears and the diamond choker around my neck. I looked into the mirror again and gasped. The woman staring back at me was beautiful. More beautiful than I could ever be.

A knock on my door made me jump and look away from the goddess staring back at me. "Come in," I called in a higher voice than usual. Alex walked in dressed in a white suit with red cover bunt holding a white corsage. He was more handsome than I'd ever seen him. His eyes were lit like Christmas as he stared at me.

"You are so beautiful," he came to me slowly. He put a hand around my waist and pulled me close. He kissed me slow and deep. It was the kind of kiss most women dream about, but I'd dreamed too much about it. I pushed him away.

"Thank you. You're very handsome. Is that for me?" He took the flower out of the box and slipped it onto my wrist. I turned and looked back at the mirror making sure he didn't mess up my makeup.

"Let's go down so my dad can gush over me some more," I started for the door but he stopped me. "What?"

"Aggie I did this," he pointed to himself meaning the suit, "for your dad, but truth is you're not going to Harvard. You're going around the world with me. We can give him this one night but we should tell him soon what are plans are."

I looked away before I lied to him. "You're right but let's not spoil this night."

"As you wish," he kissed me once more before we finally went back downstairs. This lump like cement formed in my stomach. I was lying to everyone. Mom, dad, Alex, Madame, Shelley. It was eating me alive. I don't know why I'm feeling so guilty. I'm doing nothing wrong. I'm only trying to spare their feelings. Right?


Alex and I had just finished waltzing around the floor when I saw him. Dr. Salem had just walked in the house with my mom. Tall, blonde, and gorgeous he spotted me from across the room and smiled. I looked away quickly hoping Alex wouldn't notice my blush. Alex spun me across the dance floor and next thing I knew we were standing in front of mom and Dr. Salem.

"Dr. Lansdale," Alex said smoothly and kissed the back of her hand.

"Oh Alex," she giggled. "This is Dr. Salem Alex. You remember don't you Aggie?"

"Of course. It's good to see you again Dr. Salem." I nodded to him.

"Please call me Erik. Once I'm off duty I like to rid myself of the formalities." He took my hand and kissed the back of it just as Alex had done to my mom. I gulped and was glad the band - yes dad had gotten a band - played loud so no one heard it.

"I'm going to change. Please make yourself at home Erik." Mom walked off leaving me, Erik, and Alex alone.

"Any more panic attacks?" Erik asked me.

"Panic attack? When did you have a panic attack?" Alex demanded.

"It was nothing. It was after dad called and told me about Harvard. It was a lot to take in." Alex seemed to buy that because he nodded and offered to get me some punch. Which in turn left me alone with Erik.

"Harvard congratulations. I'm sure women who graduated from there became PTA parents," I didn't know if he was making fun of me or not. Either way I found it to be insulting.

"Just like all doctors who graduate believe themselves to be God!" I turned on my heels and spun away across the dance floor leaving Erik looking shocked by the door. I ran into Shelley.

"Girl this party is awesome, but too bad you're not going to Harvard. UCLA is going to so much funner!" She smiled widely and then breathed on me. I gagged at the scent on her breath. Whiskey.

"First off there is no such things as funner - it's more fun. Second why the hell are you drinking in my house. My parents catch you and you aren't going to be allowed back here." She rolled her eyes and swiveled her hips out onto the dance floor. Sometimes she is such a child.

"Darling why aren't you dancing with your prince," Madame Victorovna was in front of me. "Where is he?"

"Alex? He's getting me something to drink." She nodded once and glared across the dance floor at the swaying mass of bodies.

"These people don't know what it is to dance. Not like you and I know. So Harvard. Impressive but does not compare to New York Ballet. You shall be the finest dancer the world has seen. Soon you will be on your way to the top."

She swished her long black velvet gown and took off like a bat out of hell. I was standing alone again. Across the room I saw Alex and then I saw Erik. I did what any girl did when she saw two men. She compared them.

Alex was darker, smoother, but so young and naive. Erik was smaller, but more handsome. He stood next to Alex and with the confidence he was giving off it made Alex seem clumsy and a child. Erik was crossing the room, and Alex had been cut off by Shelley.

Erik walked straight to me and said, "Is it too much trouble to ask you to dance or would that be acting too much like a deity?"

"I apologize. Not all doctors act like God. My mother sure doesn't." He held out his hand and I slipped mine into his. He spun me out onto the dance floor. It was perfect. Our movements were in perfect synchronization. He dipped me, spun me, lifted me and at one point his hand traveled over my body like a lover.

When the dance was over I was flushed and breathing hard. He wasn't. He was composed and looking better than ever. He kissed my hand again and bowed. "Till next time."

I turned and saw everyone staring at us. I had the decency to blush even harder. Alex stood in front looking shocked and hurt. I tried to feel bad about that but I couldn't. It was time to do the right thing. It was time to let Alex go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well well well....