Status: Active



I skipped dance class. I knew Madam would worry, but right now that didn't matter so much. I was able to avoid Shelley and Alex on my way out of the school. I slipped in my car and pulled out of the parking lot effortlessly. I saw Alex standing on the sidewalk in front of the school. I ignored him as I sped away with him staring after my car. I wouldn't be able to avoid him for long. The dream from last night leapt into my mind and I shuddered. I could avoid him a while longer.

On days like this - where I didn't want to exist on Earth - I made the two hour drive to San Diego. When I was in the sixth grade, our class took a field trip to the Planetarium. I loved it. It felt like I wasn't on Earth anymore but in the stars. It was also the first time Alex kissed me beneath the stars.

For most of the trip I was able to blast music and sing along, but as I was pulling to San Diego problems started weighing on my mind. Most of them to do with Alex and school. but there was a thought - person - in the back of my mind that I refusing to think about.

I parked my car outside the planetarium. I paid the fifteen dollar fee at the door and went through the double doors at the back of the room. It was pitch black inside except for the stars which gave the room a white glow. There were very few people inside, all of the sitting in seats at the front of the room. I sat away from them in the middle. I leaned my seat back and stared up at the stars. I sought out the constellations I knew - Andromeda, Libra, Pisces, Ursa Major and Minor, Taurus, Hercules, Draco, and many more. I pointed them out three times, tracing each constellation with my finger.

I'd been there for over an hour before I noticed I was alone. I stared at the stars and had a sudden urge to cry. Really cry, like a child who's scared of the dark. The stars were overwhelming being by myself. I felt lost in them, flying through the Heavens trying to find my home. Then it hit me, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to share the stars with someone and I finally thought about the one person I'd been so hard to not think about.

Then I was running. Running out of the Planetarium and to my car. The two hour drive it took to get to San Diego took only one hour and fifteen minutes to make it back to Los Angeles. It would have been less, but I got stopped for speeding, and now I have to explain to the parents why I got a ticket.

Anyway, I swung into the parking lot of the hospital. Threw the emergency brake, slammed my door and ran into the hospital. I ignored the hateful receptionist at the front desk and ran for the elevators. I went to the same floor where I met Eric.

It was a long shot, but I didn't want to have to ask the Receptionist where he is. I like to avoid awkward questions. I went room to room looking for him and my luck happened to be turned on that day. In the fifth room I looked in he was there, with a patient. I started to knock when, "Aggie?" I jumped. Mom was standing there. Wearing her white doctors coat and holding a clip board.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Stupid question Aggie. Stupid.

"I work here. Why're you here?"

"To see you," I said smoothly.

"Then why did you ask why I'm here?" Uh . . . . "Aggie?"

"I meant what are you doing on this floor. The receptionist told me you'd be on floor seven," I lied smoothly.

"Then why did you come to floor five?" Damn she's quick.

"Cafeteria. I wanted some chips," believable. She was buying it.

"Oh well good thing we ran into each other. Now you don't have to go traipsing all over the building and getting into trouble." What am I, five? "What did you want?"


"Why did you come here?"

"Oh that yeah um well . . . I came to see . . . my mother. What better reason is there?" Ha!

"You've never done that before," she said suspiciously.

"I know that. It's just that uh I'm gonna be leaving soon you know, moving out, and I think we should spend more time together. Mother daughter bonding . . . ."


"Yeah, sure." No.

"Well maybe we can do something when I have time off, but uh right now I'm working. I have very important patients that need me."

"You're right I don't know what I was thinking. I'll see you at home," I turned and bumped right into someone. A doctor someone.

"Whoa there," with my eyes wide I turned them up to stare into the face of the man I'd been wanting to see more than anyone. Now with my mom standing right behind me, I wish he would disappear.

"Eric. I-I mean Dr. Salem," wow there is seriously something wrong with my brain.

"Ms. Lansdale," could he be more smooth. "Ah Dr. Lansdale," he softly pushed me away and walked over to my mom.

"Eric," she nodded. "I was looking for you. They need you down in ICU Marianne Ploth is here and she's having slight chest pains. It's most likely indigestion but she's demanding to see you."

"I'll head right down," he nodded to both of us and took off for the elevator.

"Honey you should leave too," mom said. I nodded and took off after Eric. We got into the elevator and an awkward silence fell over both of us.

"Great party last night," he said to break the tension. It didn't work.

"If you like that sort of thing," I mumbled.

"You seem to have fun," he commented.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you seemed to enjoy the party," he said.

"Really which part? The part where my father shoved the party on me at last minute? Or maybe it was the part where my boyfriend accused me of cheating on him with the handsome doctor that spun me around the dance floor?"

"Excuse me?" He had the decency to look uncomfortable. That makes two of us.

"Yeah Alex - my boyfriend - he's a little . . . to put it simply, he's an idiot every now and then." We both chuckled. "Sorry about dropping that on you."

"It's fine. So I'm handsome?"

"Huh?" I asked stupidly. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"You said handsome doctor not just doctor." I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Handsome is a simple word. Not like sexy - not that you're not sexy - well I don't think you're sexy but I'm sure some women think your sexy. I don't think that . . . ." Dear God shoot me now.

It surprised me when he laughed, "Well why don't you tell Alex that he has no competition. After all you don't find me sexy," he winked and it took me a moment to say something.

"That's right," the elevator doors opened. I stepped out and turned to look at him one last time.

"By the way. I prefer handsome over sexy it's much more . . . mature." The elevator doors began to close and I wasn't really sure what to do after they shut.
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Sorry for it being so long a wait.