Status: Active



"Come on Aggie," Shelley pleaded with me for about the fiftieth time in the past hour. My answer was still the same. "No!" She was hell bent on getting me to the beach for the seniors bonfire. The beach was going to be hot and crowded and loud. I wanted to spend a quite night at home with a good movie and sneak one glass of wine from my mom's collection. "Fine don't go. Sit at home and leave your best friend to-"

"Hook up with the first guy she meets so she can ditch me? Yeah that sounds like so much fun." I pushed past her into the living room. Mom was there grabbing her white coat from the hangers next to the door.

"You're on your own tonight Aggie. Your dad and I are both working late. I left some money on the end table by the couch. You can order in." She swept passed me, but turned around and pecked my cheek with a kiss. "Bye," she hollered back as she ran out the back door to her car.

"Perfect. You have nothing stopping you from going." I rolled my eyes. She sure was persistent.

"Shelley I want to stay home. You go and have fun, but I am not going!"

"Fine," she huffed. "See if I ever do anything nice for you again!" Without another words she stomped her way out of the front door. I wanted to yell something very rude at her, but I just let her go.

My phone rang again.

I didn't even bother checking the caller ID. It was Alex. I shut my phone off and threw it on the couch. He'd been calling all day. I knew I should just end it, but I'm a huge coward. I'm hoping in time that he'll get the hint and dump me.

I grabbed the money of the table - forty dollars. I grabbed my keys and followed through the same door Shelley left through. The drive to the store was quick. It surprised me when I parked the car. My mind had been off in Lala land that I didn't really pay attention to my driving.

I locked the car doors and sped walked into the store. I grabbed a cart and headed for the meat section. Chicken, beef, fish, lamb - none of it sounded good to me. I gave up on what my stomach wanted and chose some chicken breasts. I went over to the produce, and stopped right next to the potatoes.

Over by the where the store stocked it's oranges stood the one person I'd started keeping off my mind again. Eric Salem. I thought about tucking tail and running for it. There was a good organic market down the road, but why should I run. Who cares that he's here. People have to buy food.

Nonchalance isn't my strong point and I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing because I was trying to act like I hadn't seen him. When I turned my cart I hadn't seen the table holding avocados. I swung my cart into the table knocking over the avocados and sending the flying in the direction of Eric.

"Shit," I cursed softly. I dropped to the ground and started grabbing every avocado in sight. A hand was there helping me pick them up. I looked up and saw Eric on the ground grabbing the fruit with me.

When we had them all picked up and put back on the table, he turned to me. My face was redder than the tomatoes behind me. "What did the avocados ever do to you?" He joked. It was weird how much I've started to like his voice. It was deep and rich like chocolate.

"It was an accident." Could it be possible that the heat in my cheeks intensified.

"Or maybe it was caused by my presence?" He chuckled softly.

"That's very presumptuous of you. Everyone needs groceries." please let the blush go away.

"You're right. I'm sorry I presumed. I assure you my ego is not this huge," he inclined his head toward me as an apology.

I nodded and looked away. My eyes landed on his cart. There were green, red, and orange peppers, onions, and herbs I couldn't name without seeing where he got them from. There was ground steak, spices, and tortillas, and to top it all off a large bottle of wine.

While I was staring at the food he was getting, he slipped two avocado into this cart. "Mexican?" I said oh so stupidly.

"Excuse me?"

"The food. Are you making Mexican food?"

"Oh yes. Fajitas." Yum. "And you're making chicken," he smirked at the one things in my cart.

"Yeah," I said without feeling.

"Well if you'd like you can have dinner with me?" Huh? I was quiet for too long because he looked away and mumbled. "You don't have to. I just thought you might want to."

"I'd love to," I said too loudly.

"Oh well great. Can you find where I live," he gave me the address and I knew how to find it. If I get lost, I have GPS. "See you tonight at seven," he smiled and walked away over to the fruit.

I rushed over to the meat department and put the chicken back. The ride home was fast and I didn't waste time with worrying. If I worried I'd chicken out and stay home.

I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. I shampooed my hair twice to make it smell strongly of vanilla. I shaved my legs with attentive care. I went through all of my clothes before choosing a green chiffon dress that showed off my legs nicely and a pair of strappy black high heels. I took longer than I should have with my makeup and hair but I wanted everything to be perfect.

By the time I was done it was six thirty. I was going to be a little late. I ran down the stairs - carefully - as I was in heels - and rushed out the door. I went a little over the speed limit but not too much. I didn't want another ticket.

I parked outside of his apartment and took two deep breaths. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer and my hand were embarrassingly sweaty. I got out of the car and climbed the stairs to apartment twenty. I stood there for a minute trying to calm my heart to no avail. Then I knocked.
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