Namimori School Play

Chapter 2

It had been 2 weeks and there was still no princess. Almost every girl who tried out had been immediately rejected.

The drama club wanted a girl that was able to act the part like it was second nature.

The photo club wanted a girl that portrayed the image or a heroin without knowing it herself.

The journalism club wanted a girl that could reflect a million words within her eyes, smile, and presence.

It wasn’t easy. More than half the girls pleased at least 1 of the clubs. And not even an eighth of those girls got at least 2 of the clubs to accept.

The problem was that a princess couldn’t be chosen unless all 3 groups liked the girl. Pretty soon, every girl in the school was denied the part. Except of course Kyoko and Hana, who denied trying out in the first place.

“Ne, baseball-idiot. I heard those pricks went through every girl in the school.” Gokudera always met up with Yamamoto in the morning while walking to school. It wasn’t intentional; his house was just on the way to Tsuna’s. “Did they seriously reject every single girl?”

“Yeah. Without hesitation either.” Yamamoto sighed. “I feel really bad for them. They all really wanted the part.”

“That just goes to show that you’ll never get a girl. Even if it is just pretend.”

“Jeez, you don’t have to be so cold hearted, Gokudera.” He laughed off other boy’s comment, just like he laughed everything else off.

“So what now? They can’t do the play without a script and they’re not going to write the script with the princess.”

“Not sure. I overheard something about resorting to letting a guy do the part. Of course that means that if they had accepted the idea, who ever got the part would have to do some major cross-dressing.”

“So in the end, the play was a complete failure.”

“Pretty much, but they haven’t made it official. It seems like they really want to go through with it. You kind of have to admire their persistence.”

Gokudera grumbled something in Italian. Really, who admires someone so obsessed with club activities that they would force a guy into a dress?

It was silent the rest of the way to Tsuna’s house. In fact, it had been pretty quiet to begin with. Yamamoto was used to being the one to start a conversation, but he wasn’t used to Gokudera calmly replying back to him. Sure, his words were still crude, but he wasn’t pulling dynamite from out of seemingly nowhere.


As it turns out, the soon-to-be boss had a fever, and a pretty bad one at that. He was out cold and didn’t even notice Reborn’s violent attempts to wake him up.

It was back to being just the 2 guardians on their way to school. The silence was back and neither really protested it. Gokudera was too out of it to really notice and Yamamoto rather like the peacefulness for a change.


It had been a long day for Gokudera and he didn’t much feel like sitting through the last period of the day. Ditching class seemed like a much more favorable way to spend the rest of his day.

The raging fan girls that followed him around seemed a lot clingier lately. It probably had to do with their ‘dreams of being a princess’ being shot down in one fell swoop.

He couldn’t stand it and he needed to find a place almost no one went to. The roof would be nice. It was a nice day, perfect for lying under the sky.

When he reached the roof he noticed a break in the old, worn down fence. Isn’t that where Yamamoto accidentally fell off the roof on attempt of suicide? He thought as he sat down in the gap and let his legs hang over the edge. Honestly, what does a carefree guy like have to be depressed about?

It really was a nice day. There were clouds in the sky, not enough to block the sun, but just enough to decorate the sky with ambiguous shapes. It was a little hotter than he’d like, but there was a nice breeze to make up for it.

He closed his eyes to listen to sounds around him. Birds chirping melodically, bringing back the memory of a lullaby his mother used to sing to him before she died. Leaves scraped against the concrete floor as they were blown away by the wind.

The same wind that brushed passed his ears carrying the sound of distant voices. Voices of laughter and cheerful shouting.

The same wind that tickled his face and ran through his hair.

The same wind that covered him in a comfort that felt all too familiar.

‘You have beautiful hair, you know that Hayato?’ Her voice rings through his ears like a melody. ‘More beautiful than that of a God’s.’ He doesn’t like it. Her lyrical voice, beautiful as it is, carries an ugly sting. He felt slender fingers gliding through his hair and resting gently on the side of his head and soft lips pressing against his forehead. ‘Why are you sad?’ he asks. The voice was too young to be his own, but he knew it belonged to him. It belonged to him when he was still ignorant of the world around him. She chuckled. ‘I’m not sad, because Hayato is always here.’ He looked up with a smile only to see her face hidden in the shadows.

“…DERA!” There was a firm grip around his wrist. A grip he didn’t remember being there before he…fell asleep? When had he fallen asleep? More importantly, where had the ground gone? “Damn it, what the hell were you thinking?”

‘Who?’ he thought. He recognized the voice, but he couldn’t figure out its owner. Gokudera looked up only to see a silhouette.

“You know, you could…Gokudera?” Fear overwhelmed him.

It was the fear after waking up from an almost too real nightmare.

It was the fear after seeing the ghost of someone dear to you.

It was the fear you felt while you were dying, right before the relief of the final blow.

Gokudera’s eyes were wide and his face was pale as he gaped helplessly at the silhouette.

“Shit…” The grip on his wrist tightened and he felt his body being lifted. Gokudera didn’t care about the solid ground now under him. What had relieved him the most was that the once shrouded figure was completely visible now.


“Someone saw you sitting up here and thought you were planning to jump off. It didn’t sound like something you would do, but I came as fast as I could. You nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you lean over the edge.”
