Sick Vessels


I hate my heart.

It doesn’t seem to care for me all that much. The heart is supposed to depict endless, sickening love. But all I can think of is the idea that my heart will be the thing that fails me in the end. Everybody dies from heart failure. Everybody dies from a broken heart.


My heart hates me.

It pounds so loud in my ears when I am running around the track in the morning, trying to forget about my existence. It reminds me that it owns all the control, it draws out my existence. I am the puppet, my heart is the strings. I will obey. I will treat my heart with respect. I will feed it. I will nurture it. I will not get in the way of its path to my vessels, veins, arteries, and every last part of me. I will care about it, so that it will care about me.

But sometimes it pounds so hard in my chest at night, I think my ribs might crack. My whole being might shatter, my heart just might obliterate everything in its path. My heart is so strong, and I am no competition. It turns against me, it wins. When it does, I am the one who dies.