Status: Hope you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Awaiting Slumber

Awaiting Slumber

I close my eyes but sleep never finds me, as I lay awake and await the arrival of slumber I picture where a better place would be to wait. Not here on Earth, in this country, this city, or in this town. Not on this street, in a small house hidden behind another house. Not inside this cold dark place. Not inside a cluttered room that seems to trap me inside it. Not laying on this hard bed, surounded by tacky color painted walls. Not underneath this itchy tan blanket in my uncomfortable clothes that seem to not cover me but hold me down. Not here with me facing the ceiling with eyes shut tightly holding back tears, as im begging to fall asleep. I imagine myself somewhere else...
Somewhere warm, with bright colors in the sky that blend wonderfully together like watercolors. Bright rich oranges and yellows, and red; like a sunset thats melting smoothly so the colors blend together effortlessly; holding such an elegant image in place. Blended so wonderfully that the dividing line between the colors is almost none existent. The sky would be breathtaking, and the weather would feel so warm and inviting. So inviting that you feel wrapped up safely, almost swaddled by it, just as you were as an infant, cuddled up against your mothers chest. It would be bliss. You could feel a slight breeze as the trees whisper sweetly through your hair. The flowers would blossom to unimaginable size. The textures, colors, and intricate shapes of beauty would catch your eyes and you will stare in wonder of how magnificent they look. They will thrive off being marvelled at and you will wish you could be one of them. Standing tall and beautiful, with such prestige. You will notice up ahead on the horizon as the sun sits behind it, the perfect place to wait. You walk towards it, and as you get closer your breath is taken on how this is the better place you so desperately hoped for. You get closer and tears fill your eyes and even blurred its such a gratifying sight. A giant oak tree whose trunk is so massive you cant imagine finishing walking around it. Its leaves so full and ripe and full of life. The form so perfect that you cannot break your gaze. Leaves in the purest softest colors of red, orange, and yellow and green, matched together like a perfectly sewn quilt like grandma would make you as a child. Branches that seem to never end but never tangle. Weaved around and over eachother, crossing eachother so close, they seem almost brought to an embrace. As if to show the love that I will find underneath it. I sit with my back against the glorious being, and every fiber of me is enchanted by it. The shade providing the perfect sense of cool. Bringing the temperature down enough to give my skin a slight chill. The hairs on my arm and neck stand up, like hands giving praise. And I feel a sense of home that I could of never imagined for myself. I look up between the tree's branches and see the sky dim, and notice that the sun is setting, and soon night time will come and cascade the sky with diamonds and pearls. Here under the tree I feel safe, warm, and welcomed. Rested peaceful and content. Here I am waiting but I believe someone or something is coming. I cant make out the figure as the light burns out in the sky, like someone blowing out candles, but i sense a familar presence...and yes at last sleep has finally found me.