When I Looked at Her, I Thought of Only You.

Chapter Seventeen.

Kellins POV*

Spending time with Vic gave me a sense of hope. He wasn't his usual obnoxious self today and that made me think he could change, at least for the sake of us.

"Us" there wasn't an us and there will probably never will be, I guess I just wanted it to happen so badly. Vic made me see things about myself that no-one else could make me see.

I think I've known it since day one but I was seriously crushing on Victor Fuentes.

I had to be home by ten o'clock and I had just made it in time, my dad was sitting in the living room watching some crappy television program when I walked in. I checked the time on the clock and noticed I still had five minutes before curfew.

I sighed a heavy sigh of relief, gave my dad a nod and headed straight for my bedroom.

I had a lot of things to think over before school the next morning.


The first four classes went by as normal, no-one looked my way or said anything, which was usually the norm for me these days. I didn't see Vic at all and I'm not sure if I even wanted to.

I was scared in case he thought I had been leading him on.

I know my emotions where all over the place right now but the one thing I was absolutely sure of was that I wanted to be with Vic.

I hadn't even seen Michael or Tony around, of course I just had to bump into Alex and Taylor. Things where a little awkward between us but it wasn't the usual hatred I received from them, obviously Vic had told them to leave me alone. I sighed and shook my head. I don't need him to protect me.

School was finally over, another day gone.

I was more than happy to get out of there though, things had just been really weird it was as if everyone had switched personalities.

I jogged most of the way home and began to slow when I could see my house in the near distance.

I said hey to my dad -who was still acting super nice to me- and headed straight upstairs for a shower.

With the hot water running through my hair and down my back I instantly felt more relaxed and calm.

Although I felt calm it didn't stop the thoughts from pouring into my head,

'What if I had died?
Would that of been really such a bad thing?'

I snapped out of my thoughts, I didn't want to die. Not now that I have something* to live for, the situation I'm in right now is completely different from what it was only a few short weeks ago.

How did I end up here?
♠ ♠ ♠
(A/N: *Self harm and depression are very serious just like a lot of other mental illnesses. When Kellin says he doesn't want to die now that he has something to live for, I wasn't just talking about Vic. Things go a little more deeper than that. I just wanted to post this in case anyone thought I was making light of it, that's not the case.)