When I Looked at Her, I Thought of Only You.

Chapter Two.

Kellins POV*

I walked into my new school at around half 8, I kind of wanted to get my class schedule and take a walk about the school before class actually started so I knew where I was going.

I went to my locker that was assigned to me by the principal and shoved all my stuff inside, I noticed a girl pointing at me and saying something to a group of people just uphead of where I was. I didn't really want to be noticed so I just kept my head down and my earphones in. There's nothing worse than having people stare at you on your first day.

I made my way to maths, that was my first class of the day, I ended up getting lost though and I had to ask some kid if he knew where I was meant to be, how embarrassing.

I eventually made it to my class, I said thanks to the boy that helped me and walked inside, I felt really uncomfortable standing up at the front of the class whilst everyone's eyes were on me.

My teacher told me to side next to a boy call Victor, I'd heard all about him off the boy that showed me to my class. Apparently he was an obnoxious douche that everyone was scared of. I was a little nervous having to sit next to him but he didn't even look in my direction.
I thought it would be polite to introduce myself but the two word reply I got back made my efforts seem pretty pointless.

We stayed quiet throughout the rest of the lesson and I managed to get my work done.

Once the bell had went I made my way to my next class. I had to walk past the lockers again to get there though, and I wasn't really paying attention to walking and walked right into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I spoke nervously.
"You fucking will be you little dick." Was the reply I got.

I felt someone's hand connect with my face and before I knew it I was lying flat on my back with pain coursing through my face.

"Fuckin' fag." I heard the guy snort as he walked away and left me there. People laughed and walked over me. What a great first day this is turning out to be.

I quickly picked myself up and my stuff up and went in the direction of the bathrooms. I found one on the first floor, I stepped inside and to my relief it was completely empty.

I studied myself in the mirror for a while, looking at the now forming bruise surrounding my eye.

The words that the stranger used hurt more though. "Fuckin' fag."
I get homophobic comments and beatings at home I really didn't need them here too.

I sat on the floor with a sad look plastered on my face and began to search my bag for something, once I had found it, I felt more calm.

I took the shiny piece of metal, lifted up my hoodie sleeve and began to cut.

One, two.. Twenty.. Thirty..

I began to feel dizzy as I watched the blood pour out of my arm.
It was a good kind of dizzy, maybe this time I won't wake up and I won't have to deal with anything anymore..

As I sat staring at my bloody arm, enjoying the irony of it all. I heard the bathroom door open.

I froze.

"Kellin?" Was the last thing I heard before I passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.