When I Looked at Her, I Thought of Only You.

Chapter Three.

Vic's POV*

I walked away from Tay and left her there crying, there was absolutely no way I could deal with that kind of drama right now.
I really should have been in class but since I was already about half an hour late I decided to just not go and made my way through the school, just going a wander.

I had made it to just outside the maths corridor when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out and checked it.
I had a new text from my brother and one from my sort-of friend..

I checked Mikey's first.
"Hey bro, heard what you said to Tay, you ok?"

I didn't even bother replying, no doubt he'd want to speak about it at lunch or when we got home.

I checked my other message, which was from Alex, we're not really friends, he just speaks to me so I don't beat his ass up.
"Vic, you just missed me kick some guys ass. You should of been there man. See u at lunch to tell you all about it. Peace out."

I couldn't be bothered even replying to him, he was the type of person that was annoying even when they breath.

I locked my phone and continued my walk, that was until I heard the familiar sound of my dads voice talking to another teacher..

Shit. I thought to myself if he catches me I'm dead.
I made a turn and ended up in the first floor bathroom, no-one comes in here, ever. Its smelly and run down and it would probably be one of the best places to skip class.

I closed the door behind me quietly and turned around, I didn't know what to do, all I knew was I had to act quickly.

Kellin was lying there, lifeless with blood oozing out his arms and wrists.

I pulled my shirt off and tied it above his arm to try and stop the blood, I then phoned Mikey and told him to get his ass down here.

I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do.
Mikey helped me get him to my car without anyone noticing and I drove to our house.

After an hour Kellin started to come round, he looked so drained.

I cleaned his arm and put the bandage on as best as I could, hey I'm no doctor.

As soon as Kellin realised what was happening he shot up off the couch and ran towards the door, muttering a 'stay the hell away from me' as he left.

I felt hurt, I'd just helped him, made sure he was okay.
Maybe next time I won't be so helpful and I'll let the ungrateful fucker die in a school bathroom.

And with that thought I put on my Xbox and blocked out the world.
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This is shit, omg. I had written this really well and then I had to rewrite it and now its all poo. I could cry, it will get better tho.