When I Looked at Her, I Thought of Only You.

Chapter Eight.

Vic's POV *

Never in my whole life have I ever felt the way I did kissing Kellin. It was like a shot of electricity coursing through my body, my stomach erupted with millions of butterflies and.. Dare I say it, my heart sped up to a speed of which I was pretty sure was highly dangerous.

Well, that was a pretty gay thing to think Vic, wasn't it?

Like all good things though it had to end and by "end" I mean Kellin pulling away from me looking shocked, confused and maybe even a little embarrassed. He then started sprinting down the street not even bothering to look back at where I was left standing.

"Well, that.. Went well?" I heard Mikey say with just a hint of amusement playing at his tone.
"Fuck off, Mike." I retorted and pushed passed him into the warm comfort of our house.

Kellin's POV*

What the actual fuck just happened?!

I kept trying to process the thoughts in my head, Victor Fuentes kissed me, he kissed me.

Was this all still part of the game he was playing? I mean, he's not gay. Is he?
Nah, surely not. Popularity and gay don't go in the same sentence especially in high school.

I made my mind up then and there that Vic was in fact playing a game and messing with me. That was the only possible reason I could muster up.

I wasn't sure how long I had been running for and actually I wasn't sure where I was headed, when I thought it was safe to stop running and just walk at a nice calm pace I did..

It was the moment I started to walk that I took in my surroundings a little more focused than I had been doing.

I have no clue where the fuck I am but I didn't care, I continued walking until I came across a deserted old play park with a really old looking metal swing set.

Here, wherever here was, was actually quite peaceful. The park looked out onto vast burst of scenery. If I ever found out where I was then I'd make sure to come back here frequently, this might just be my new favourite place.

I searched my pockets for something important and once I'd found what I was looking for I suddenly felt so calm and relaxed.

Looking out into the unknown place of sheer beauty, I placed my earphones that I had in my hands into my ears and hit the shuffle button on my beaten old iPod.

And for the next few hours or so I sat completely mesmerized by the scenery and the soft sound of music.


Vic's POV*

What am I going to do?

Pacing up and down my carpeted bedroom floor, I really don't know what I'm going do about the Kellin situation.. I mean, I still have my reputation to uphold and then there's Taylor and my friends. Not to mention my parents. Oh, I almost forgot. I still need to work on the Kellin situation, you know.. Actually getting him to like me or even tolerate me.

Sighing, I gave up with the not so impressive attempt to try and work things out in my head, I'm still so confused myself.
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Finally updated, sorry it took so long!