Status: You can buy the full book on Amazon Kindle

The Diary of a Natural Girl in a Supernatural World

School is the Worst

Monday August 20, 2012

9:04 am

I am bored out of my mind. I hate first days. The only thing we ever do is introductions and the teacher talks at us about what they expect from us. Yes we know. You think you have a lot of crap for us to get done. I get it.

Thank you.


I still can't believe that Kara and Liam are dating but at the same time I saw it coming from a mile away. He's got an in with the soccer guys so maybe he'll introduce me to some babes... or maybe not. I have a feeling that he's not telling me something and it has to do with a guy... mystery guy. Great.

Now that's going to bother me. If he does know something he should just tell me so I don't go insane over nothing.

YES! There's the bell!

12:34 pm

He knows something. He totally knows something! I know it.

Ok, so let me recap my lunch experience for you real quick.

There I was sitting in the lunch room a little bit early because my Elfish language teacher decided to have mercy on us and release us for lunch a little early... or she was just sick of us... But anyways, I was sitting in our usual place when Liam and Kara come up.

Liam informs me that we are moving locations and I asking why because why mess with a perfectly good thing. And he is being all elusive and I’m like “ok, bro, whatever...”

So we moved and guess where we moved... Outside! Seriously, the outdoors is where all the werewolves eat lunch and the vampires try to look cool smoking in the corner partially hidden from view but everyone knows they're there. So we sit within perfect view of them and I am like “WTF is going on?”

"Oh, you know… just like it better out here." Liam tells me.

Yeah, sure you dumb ass I know you’re lying, "with the vampires and werewolves?" Sarcasm…

His stupid move was like out of some cliche teenage vamper story. Awesome. I'm trying to blend in not stand out. Ugh, boys.

"Yeah. I do play on the same team as these guys." I was hating Liam by that point, totally forgetting that he is a demon so he kind of blends in with this crowd.

"You're so cool." My sarcasm knows no bounds.

"Come on, when did a little fresh air ever hurt anyone?" He shrugged like it was no big deal but I knew he had some reason for bringing us out there. He was way too evasive.

That’s the thing with demons, they always have a plan and I am betting his plan was to set me up so I didn’t feel like the fifth wheel or something.

But that didn't make much sense considering the fact that Alice annnnddd Jade are still single.... speaking of Jade, I haven't seen her.... Oh well, she is probably skipping because first days suck!

I have an idea... I know how to get this info out of Liam.

12:52 pm

So I ditched them. Because I’m super nice like that and I really did not feel like watching them make out. And that was when it happened; my bad luck punched me in the face.

Niklas… Niklas the freaking vampire! He can't be serious. Ok, to be fair I don't really know the whole situation. I don't even know what Niklas is going to do... I just have to act normal, right? Right?! Oh man.

There I was just minding my own business, waiting for the bell to ring when suddenly NIKLAS! Being a weirdo he just sits down right next to me at the table. I was wishing that someone would hurry up and save me but of course I wouldn’t be that lucky.

“Niklas…” I nodded at him when he sat down.

“Dia… You look very pretty today.” He commented. I had a feeling he was trying to be smooth but it wasn’t working on me.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Then again you look lovely every day.” He said with a smirk.

“You are acting like someone who wants something.” I said to him slowly. It was weird because he never really spoke to me. Sure he talked to Liam who was now dating my best friend but that didn’t mean I had to be friends with Niklas.

“Oh, there are plenty of things I want but one in particular…” He paused. “Now is not the right time.”

It was like he knew the bell would ring at that moment because as soon as he stood to leave me pondering his cryptic words the bell rung and I was out of there.

Let me tell you about Niklas real quick like. Niklas is a vampire and he is very popular at that. Generally he doesn’t hang out with humans like “me” but with his little posse. You see the thing about vampires (and other races for that matter) is that they always hang out with one another. I think it’s because they don’t have to worry about their mojo messing other vampires up… because they’re immune.

Stupid mojo makes all the girls want a supernatural (and boys to I guess.) It kind of makes people blubbering idiots if they’re too weak. (Also because they want to eat them…) I guess the nature of beings like Niklas is to feed off humans. That’s why they draw us in. It’s just a natural instinct.

It doesn’t really matter though because they hang out with vampires so they don’t have to deal with over enthusiastic women or whatever. Other creatures of the same race are immune to the charm.

Naturally I hate vampires…. demons and all them because races repulse each other. Everyone thinks they’re they best. But they’re all wrong. I’m the best.

Just kidding.

You know what else that does? It makes them separate all of us from one another in classes, like I rarely have classes with vampires. Not that I would want to have a class with them. I would just be too distracted by my irritation that they were there.

Ugh, speaking of… I have defense with them next and not it’s not any of that Harry Potter crap. Defense is self-defense like how to run really fast if a vampire is chasing you…. I’m just kidding.

Kind of.

4:42 pm

I have freakin survived the first day of school and most importantly I have survived my mother.

She accosted me as soon as I got home and is has been the Spanish inquisition ever since. I'm not sure what kind of trouble she thinks I'll get into on the first day of school but she'll lighten up tomorrow... and then have me working on my power for HOURS after that. I feel like I am really in control... and that I know things that I shouldn't for someone my age. But of course she doesn't see that.

I'm just a kid mom.

Lay off.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a preview of the book which you can buy on Amazon Kindle.

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