Bleach Drabbles

What is fun?

Blood dripped down the shiny length of my sword. This was almost like drugs, while I was fighting I felt the high, the brightness that made me king of the world. Yet here I was again, unsatisfied as soon as it was over. What was this squad for if not to fight? Little arms held onto my neck. To be honest it was more for her than it was for me. Just listening to her laugh made all the difference. Not that I would tell that to another living soul.

“Ken-chan? What’s wrong?” Little Yachiru was quick to see through my mood.

“Lunch.” I never felt the need to say more than was necessary. She was simple just as he was. “Madarame is hiding candy in his desk.” Her eyes brightened at my comment. A lie of course. I was amusing to watch her have her way with whomever she liked.

“Panchinko-head? I didn’t even know. Imma go make him share! Bye Kenny!” She hopped down off my back, trotting off, zanpakuto dragging behind. I watched her go, smiling slightly. If not for her, I don’t think I’d be a captain in the first place, let alone even a member of the Gotei 13 anyway.

I sat down on the dirt, tossing my sword off to the side. This whole zanpakuto thing drove me bonkers. I didn’t want to try and figure out what it could do. As long as it could cut people to shreds, it was doing its job. I stole it from some other poor fellow so many years ago. Not that I feel bad. He couldn’t fight for nothing.

The breeze picked up and the bells in my hair jingled. It was a nice afternoon. Not that I typically sat outside for fun. I probably wouldn’t be a good person to ask what was good or bad unless the question was about a fight. Even then, my answer wouldn’t fit anyone else’s standards. I frowned. Even though I enjoyed the life that I live, I feel lost in this place. Everyone has a goal or some kind of pride. Me? I just wanted Yachiru to be happy.

We had stolen her name from a woman whom resembled the little pink haired girl to an extent. Eight thousands flows, was what the woman had told us. And the name fit her like a charm and it stuck. My cute little girl was quite the ray of sunshine. To me, she is an angel. Her teases and love for sweets were not wrong at all, even if she annoyed other Soul Reapers to crazy levels. I laughed slightly remembering the thought of her little scooter, before that noble broke it, just after she’d found a nice flat place to ride it too.

“You’re in a good mood, Captain.” His wavy hair flowed out and away from his face. The little feathers accenting something or other. He never bothered to hear the second half of whatever he said anyway. “It’s unusual. I mean to think of the beauty in anyone’s smile, ahhh, it just makes me feel so beautiful too! You really must work on it though Captain, the way it is now it’s quite frightening….” The words were lost into the breeze.

“I wasn’t smiling.” I stood, the skinny man quite the toothpick next to me. “Come on. Lets go watch Yachiru pick on Madarame.” Yumichika was caught of guard. He muttered to himself following after me. If anything would be truly fun, it was watching Yachiru do as she pleased.
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~ by request