‹ Prequel: Infernal
Sequel: Purgatorial


Chapter 26 - Omen

Nina's POV

Everything after our showdown with Raphael and his little army felt unreal. A blur of decisions.

We'd ran inside to grab bags, stuffing only essentials. I got the bracelet I'd given Cam from my nightstand, Serena somehow got the leather string back together using Magic. We each needed something to keep with us at all time, something Serena could enchant to cloak us and keep us off anyone's radar, Virtues included.

Heaven wouldn't find us.

I had my necklace, Serena had that lovely black pendulum around her neck, Lucas had the necklace I'd seen in Etna's memories—I had no idea he'd been wearing it all this time, but it wasn't like I'd been around Cam's shirtless body lately—Phillip used the ring piercing he never took off.

Jade... Well, she wouldn't be needing a cloaking spell. After quickly spewing about wanting to help Lucas find Etna—which had been met with disbelieve—I agreed it wouldn't be safe for Jade to tag along, she needed to go somewhere she'd be safe. Safer. Off the bat, Lucas suggested New Orleans and while I knew the compound at the French Quarter was crawling with Cambions and Vampires, I also knew no harm would come to her if Lucas—or Romeo—ordered her to be kept safe.

So, after making him promise, swear and vow on Etna's life, I agreed to let Romeo come and take her.

We met with him on the outskirts of town, ready to leave to wherever. Phillip was looking murderous while Serena felt pretty mellow about him showing up and escorting Jade to New Orleans, almost like a tiny part of her trusted he'd do no harm.

Romeo's hair hadn't been cut since I last saw him, there was scruff on his face, but the gray eyes were alert unlike the other time.

His surprise at seeing Cameron walking in Lucifer's body was priceless.

He said, "I knew I should've told Marx to cast more than a preservation spell."

"Yes," Lucas chided. "A cloaking spell would've been very useful." Romeo looked crestfallen that he'd forgotten such a simple task. "You can make amends by taking the little Psychic to your French Quarter compound. She's to be kept safe. Unharmed." Lucas underlined.

It was funny to watch Romeo nod his head like a well behaved puppy.

"Yes, sir." He nodded briskly.

Jade hadn't been too happy about leaving us, but she understood the danger she'd be put in around us.

The minute she flung her arms so tightly around my neck I was reminded of months ago. Another goodbye. I'd sent Henry away so he'd be safe. My heart panged because it felt like everyone around me was hurt and I couldn't help wonder, would there be more goodbyes?

I gave Cameron a side glance.

And who would I say goodbye to?

Cam startled me by coming up to me, cupping my cheek. He'd been leaning on his car hood, mutely.

I winced as the skin on my neck pulled beneath the newly applied gauze.

"Don't be worried. Everything will work out, Jade will be safe." He whispered in a soothing manner, the same he'd used when he'd been busy applying Burdock sap on my wound. It stopped the bleeding and Cam said if I kept using it would leave behind nothing but a faint scar. "Nina, you with me?"

I nodded placing a hand over his.

"It's just... I keep saying goodbye to people. It's hard."

"I get that, little bird." He leaned down to kiss my head. It felt mighty awkward because we were standing in front of all these people and Cameron wasn't in his rightful body. "We should get out of here. We're cloaked but the Angels back home might wake up and stumble upon us sitting here."

Phillip and Serena were the first to climb onto his bike. Lucas finished saying something to Romeo and then got into his Jeep. I watched as Jade, a girl who'd given me more than she could ever imagine, drove away. Would this be the last time I saw her?

I had to stay strong and believe what Cam said, all would be okay.

Cameron was obviously driving his car. Lucas threw a glare his nephew's way once he stole the keys, but he couldn't do anything to Cam. Not without ruining his own body. I, of course, was riding shotgun. Leaving Lucas stranded in the backseat.

It didn't take long for a certain someone to poke his head between our seats, resting both arms on their backs.

"Where are we going?" Good question.

I side-glanced our intrusive passenger.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Valley of Shadows is...?"

Lucas stared back with stark eyes.


"It was kind of... all I got. I saw she got hit some Azure Crystal and you rushed her to a Witch—"

"I know what I did. I was there."

The car jerked to a sudden stop. Luckily my seatbelt prevented my head from bashing on the dashboard. Lucas, on the other hand, lurched forward. He ended up half in the front, half stuck in the back.


"Shut up," he called before tugging Lucas' hair—his own hair—forcing gray eyes to meet his. "Be thankful she's helping you after all the shit you put us through. If it were me, you wouldn't get a second chance. You'd still be chained to a wall while my brother's Witchy girlfriend figured out a way around the seal keeping your soul in there." Cam gave a big pat on Lucas' shoulder. "That said, keep your tongue in check when you're talking to her."

Cameron grabbed the back of Lucas' sweater and threw him back—I heard a muffled thump. I covered my mouth, stifling a giggle.

"And buckle up, I'm not getting a ticket because of you." He restarted the car. Looking outside the windshield, I saw Phillip's Ducatti pick up pace. He must've been waiting on us. "He has no idea where it is."

"I figured that out on my own. Thanks." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. He smiled crookedly. "All I know is that one second Etna was in England and the next... She was somewhere else. A cave of some sort. The Witch said the Valley of Shadows was particularly hard to reach."

"Oh goodie."

Lucas remained quiet. What could be running through his head? We had one lead to reunite him with his Twin Flame, the one person that you unconditionally. Someone who hadn't met their Twin Flame couldn't understand what this meant—I did. Cameron did, too. Deep down, he knew he'd do everything Lucifer had done if the situations were reversed. If it were me trapped and not Etna.

It was my driving reason to help Lucas get her back. Because I wanted Cameron back, I wanted to feel complete again.

Cameron ended up driving us to a motel almost two hundred miles from Haven Hills. He only stopped driving because a nasty storm had broken above, rain was flooding the roads and the wind was staggering aggressive. It was impressive how he managed to keep the car from hydroplaning—barely—even without heightened senses and strength he was amazing. Phillip turned into a flooding driveway first, killing the bike after parking it safely. Cam pulled beside it and I watched the blue neon sign flicker in and out of existence.

"Not exactly the Ritz..." Lucas commented for the first time in hours.

Cam shoved the Camaro's keys into his front pocket.

"You're welcome to stay in the car. Better yet, out in the rain."

"Play nice," I muttered pulling on my jacket. Rain pelted the windows and hood, we were going to get drenched just to get to the main office. "Can't you make the rain stop?"

From an eye corner, I saw Cameron's body stretching like a lazy-ass cat in the sun.

"No," he purred. "My little nephew's ability is restricted to lightning storms and electric manipulation—"

I jumped at a door slam. Cameron had climbed out of the car and was making his way around to my side, pulling my own door open.

"I think he's cranky."

I shook my head climbing outside, Cam held out an arm to help me. I gave a small smile as thanks.

Phillip and Serena were already inside the main office. A man handed them a key, they turned around and walked to the door. They were drenched head to toe.

"Key," Cam tossed the car key to his twin so he could get their bags. "Bring it right back."

I kept my arms crossed, already shivering. Rain was falling in bucketfuls. The man behind the desk stared at Phillip's retreating back, then at Lucas. He was awe-struck.

"Yeah, yeah. We're twins." Cam grumbled digging out his wallet, freezing once the man gave him a funny look. "I mean," he lifted his head. "They're twins."

The motel manager nodded, "Long drive, pal?"

"The longest..." Cameron uttered rubbing his neck.

The room Cam got was a small outbuilding separated from the main motel, making us walk in the downpour. Phillip and Serena weren't far from our building, though. We ran for shelter, bags in hand. Once Cameron got it open, I was the first one in. Both boys came in, shutting the door, trapping the ongoing storm outside.

I dropped the backpack feeling too hungry, too cold and uncomfortable in my own skin. Light came on without a light switch being pressed—it had to be Lucas—I found my way to the bathroom. I needed to shed the damp clothes, shower off the leftovers of fever, dirt and blood somewhere still under my shirt.

But there were other people here. I hesitated, falling back a step—

"Forgetting your bag?" Cam said from behind me, holding out the mountain backpack. "As much as I'd like a naked show..." his eyes crawled to where Lucas was, bending into the mini-fridge. "It's not viable, little bird."

"It's very considerate of you."

"Isn't it?" his lips formed a soft smile. Cam touched his knuckles to my right cheek, caressing it. "Take as long as you need. I promise to behave."

Opening my eyes—I'd closed them unknowingly—I turned my head just a little, brushing lips over fingers.


I walked into the tiny bathroom, locking it. My shorter hair was tangled wisps, the gauze on my neck was drenched—peeling at a corner. Easing it off, I saw the wound had closed up, leaving a layer of tender skin. Hurray for Burdock sap! Ditching my clothes, I climbed into the shower, turning on the hot water like it was going out of style.

Frustration fell, draining from my shoulder blades. Hopefully after this cleansing shower I wouldn't look like a rat who'd been dragged through not one—but several gutters until it died. I used the motel's bubblebath to wash up. When I was packing for essentials I forgot shampoo was considered a necessity.

In less than twenty minutes, I was out, pulling on Cam's hoodie—one I'd claimed for myself—and a fresh pair of undies and sweatpants. Thank God I'd cut my hair, it was much easier to dry at its new size. When I unlocked the bathroom and walked out with my collected stuff, it was practically dry.

"Who's up next?"

The tension in the small hall/living room was palpable. Lucas was sprawled on the beat-up couch watching some show on an equally tacky, old TV. Cameron was sitting on the arm chair with a bouncy leg. He wasn't even pretending to watch the stupid nineties show.

"He is," Cam jerked his head Lucas' way.

I nodded going past their testosterone zone and into the bedroom. Only one big king sized bed rested inside. The running doors closed behind me, before I jerked around a set of hands grabbed hold of my hips, tugging me back.

"Guess who's sleeping on the couch?" I giggled as he planted a kiss straight on my pulse. "Remember what you said earlier?" I'd said so many things. "I wish I could kiss you, too. I'd trade my remaining years of life just to kiss you one last time."

Breath stalled in my throat.

I latched on to his arms around my waist, "Cam... you can't say things like that."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I lifted my left shoulder, wiping my left eye. "They make me cry."

"And that's my secret agenda. Making you cry by saying epic things." I whirled in the embrace punching his gut—he bit a laugh. "I love it when you get rough." He propelled me closer, then, Cam hoisted me over a shoulder.

I squealed his name in his right ear.

"Time for bed." He walked to one side, bending so he could peel the navy bedspread back. Lucas' muscles coiled formidably as I was eased onto the open space. How did someone end up with so much ripped muscle?

Cam didn't give me a minute to think or move tucking me in, just like last night. It was crazy to believe we'd driven all night. When my attention returned to him, he was digging something out from his bag.

A box of Oreos was waved in front of me.

A giant grin bounced my lips.

"I'll share with you."

"But you don't have milk." A dirty smirk composed his face. What a perv. I rolled onto my side just to make a point, that he better keep his mouth shut.

The bed springs squeaked as Cam moved to stand close behind me. A strong arm clamped over my mid-section, he dug his nose through layers of wavy hair until the tip grazed my nape. I shivered inching backward, closer.

"I'm not feeling hungry anyway." I murmured into the silence. Between the falling rain and the working shower, there was nothing.

"Me neither."

The pillow sank beneath my head as minutes passed.

"Are you staying until he comes out?"

"Until you fall asleep." That sounded good. The warm fuzzies from before—when he said he'd trade his last breaths to kiss me—returned full force. Just as I felt myself tipping off the edge into dreamland, a whisper in a language I couldn't decipher caused me chills. "Tu sei il mio amore, ti amo."

I searched blindly for his hands—threading our fingers together. It didn't matter if Lucas' skin texture was rougher than Cam's, I could feel him inside and it was all I needed to be safe.


Where am I?

I thought this place looked familiar—a big archway stood above me, leading into a dark corridor. Balls of light seemed to float along it, there weren't many, though. Yes, I thought, I recognized those balls from Hell. From when we'd been taken by the Rebels.

Shadowy paths jumped from all directions causing me to be on high alert. What if some Tapeworm crawled out of one? I kept my arms stationed at my sides going forward, walking like a robot. The play of shadows... they pointed to one particular place in the corridor.

A large door.

My eyes squinted at the sight. It was engraved with wooden carvings of crows, one on either door. The drawings—crows included—were painted golden, but the handle was silver. I... I'd seen this door before, it had given me shivers. My Power went haywire, telling me to stay away. Still, I'd felt drawn to it. I'd reached out my hand... Like I was doing now... But Helena had shown up. Taken me to a bedroom—yes, yes! I remembered now. I'd been under that evil Witch's spell.

Fingers curled on the silver handle one minute too late. I gasped just as the rock ground vanished from underneath my feet and I fell. There was no use in screaming—no time for it. Because once my eyes snapped open I safe, lying on the ground. Humidity floated the air around me.

God damn. Every time I tried seeing what was behind that door...

Twigs snapped in front of me. Quickly, I scrambled to get up, falling on my haunches once before successfully putting distance between me and... A silhouette of a man? I think so—but he was covered by fog. He took one step closer. Fog flaunted around him, clinging on.

Cocking my head I started crab-walking—he was coming closer. The worst part was... his eyes. I couldn't make out his face, but his eyes were glowing purple. Breathing melted as I focused solely on escaping, my hand hand sunk on something, I glanced down—

"Oh my God!"

I lifted my hand, rolling over rushing to my feet, shaken. On my hand was blood. On the ground was an open body. I couldn't say what it had been, human or animal, I just knew a stench of rotten meat wafted of it and an abundance of flies were sticking to it.

More snapping sounds came, shaking myself I leaped over the dead thing's body and ran. I ran until I noticed the smell became more potent. My jaw dropped as a shoe sunk into another soft spot. God no, the mantra repeated as I glanced all around me.

It was a graveyard without graves. Everywhere I looked dead bodies—decomposing before my eyes.

Squawks rushed from behind me—my gaze jumped for the man. Birds started raining from behind him—crows. They flew my way, cackling and beating their wings furiously. They dove, some sunk their talons into my skin, arms, shoulders.

"Stop!" I screamed waving, shaking my body, frenetic. "Get off me!" I fell to the floor among the carcases they only now seemed to notice. Taking advantage that they were... feasting on the dead, I hauled ass out of there, running, tripping many times, but I couldn't stop.

He was still coming and with him the birds.

I ran until there was no more grass beneath my shoes. No more dead people—animals. A shiver writhed between my shoulders. Crack. I frowned—crack. My foot faltered, my right leg plunged into cold water.

"No..." ice cracked under the rest of me and I fell. I tried clawing my way out, but I slipped on it. "No, no, no..." more ice gave out. I lost perch, my head dunked in waters below zero degrees.

For whatever amount of time, I was a mess of flaying limbs, trying my best to rise to surface and not to breathe in any water. I fought with every ounce I had. Until my arms felt like dead-weight, my legs didn't obey, I could just barely keep my eyes from closing. Water pushed its way down my throat—I choked. Corrupted my airways. All of me shook, like I was having a seizure.

I started floating down, an anchor sinking with burning lungs.

Up on the ice, I saw someone... The man. But what called my diminished attention were the words written by his feet.



Cam's POV

Sleeping with this woman was like sleeping with hurricane.

For the second night in a row, Nina got an insane night terror. She was thrashing all over, hitting me in all the sensitive places. I wouldn't mind she hit this body where it counted—but only after I was back in my own. Until then...

"Stop kicking me..." I hissed heavily, rolling her over, trapping her in an embrace. "It's time to wake up—"

A sliding door revealed a disheveled... me? That was just too freaky. Lucifer shook my hair—his hair—looking at us on bed. A dark eyebrow kicked up a notch.

"We're kind of in the middle of something here." I bit out.

"I can see that."

Nina's hair was short, still, she managed to smack me with it. Girl had talent.

I hugged her closer—so close I was afraid she'd pop. The only thing popping were her wild, golden eyes. One deep inhale later, she eying the room just before fixating her terrified gaze on mine. Her nails dug into my jean-clad knees.

"Two nights in a row. You setting some kind of record?" Obviously, Nina perceived my lightening the mood as horrendous because she struggled out of my hold. "Wow, okay. Take it easy."

"Take it easy?" she smacked me straight in the chest. "I just drowned! I'm not going to take it easy."

I did a double take. She'd drowned? She'd—

My head whipped towards the sliding door where my head was still poking inside. A weird fervor took up my chest.

"A little privacy?" I shot sliding off bed. It didn't matter that Nina was wearing baggy attire—no guy but me got to see her like this. "Get out." I hissed shielding her from view.

Lucifer cocked his head before backing up, sliding the door into place. I knew he could ear us talking if he wanted and I envied not having Power to knock him out. I whirled, taking Nina's sweat-streaked face in my hands.

"Tell me."

Nina clung to my arms while going through her dream. When the part about the crows came up she shook—hell, her voice had already been shaky—I sat us down, letting her finish. Nina never mentioned a strange door and a bad gut-feeling, but back in Hell we'd been worried about surviving and getting Phillip. I was at a loss about the dude. Had never seen purple eyes on anyone. Vamp's eyes pulsed, their pupils dilated when they fed or used—didn't change color. Demons were the only ones with either yellow eyes, red or even white.

"I don't have the faintest idea, little bird." I heaved honestly, running a hand over my face. It was too early—I needed coffee to think. "I never heard about purple eyes. The only things I've seen with abnormal eye colors are Demons."

Nina bundled herself deeper in my hoodie. Thinking became harder. She looked too damn cute and wearing my clothes... Too hot. I licked across my lips—I fisted a hand in the sheets. It was taking everything not to say fuck it to the whole body issue and kiss her. I wanted to, until she begged me but the problem with kissing Nina right now was that I'd want more.

This time I wouldn't be able to stop. I wouldn't care about taking her on dates, buying her flowers and craploads of chocolates. I would rip off the clothes, crowd her body with kisses.

"Cam?" she touched my thigh.

Sweet Mother.

"Yeah?" I gritted, managing to douse the dirty thoughts of her and me on this bed—on the floor, against a wall—I'd take her anywhere.

"Are you alright?"

No. I wasn't. There were several reasons for that. The main one, I couldn't kiss my girlfriend without losing my shit and going all the way—which I couldn't. I wouldn't. Not in this body. Secondly, I had a void in my veins, a weight was missing. Power was missing. It made me giddier than having it, without it, I could barely watch my back, little alone Nina's or my brother's. Thirdly...

The sliding door did its thing again.

Thirdly, I wanted to kill Lucifer. But Nina didn't have to carry these burdens on her shoulders.

"I should be asking you that." I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to sit on my lap. "Let me guess, you were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Only about the dream." He smirked, making me look like a total asshole. Did it always look like that when I smirked?

Nina jumped the gun, "Do you know anything about purple eyes?"

Lucifer didn't hesitate shaking his head. Wow, tell about being useless.

"But," he started taping a finger to his chin. "Crows are symbols of bad omen, death and Dark Magic. They also represent the mystery of creation because of their ancestors. Demons were the first race to be created, but among them, the first to be made were the Raum."

"What's the Raum?"

Lucifer regarded me shortly, "They're the only Demons that can fly. Didn't they try to eat you?"

"The mutated crows?" Nina provided. Lucifer slid her a pointed look. "Oh. Crows were modeled after them, is that it?"

"Yes, that's a good way to put it. Crows are distant cousins from the Raum. They're smaller, not nearly as bloodthirsty and much more intelligent. Anyway, crows are bad news."

"I could've told you that," I muttered. "What about the door?"

He shrugged, "The only time I was at the Rebels' hide out was to rescue your lives. I didn't stick around to explore, they were never much more concern." Until they'd busted up a secret ritual in a super-strong-hold. "What you read while you... were drowning, what was it?"

Nina stiffened. I bared my teeth, managing my cool. He shouldn't use the word 'drowning' she was scared enough.

Softly, she answered, "Devil's Cove. That's what it said. I don't know what it means—I've never heard it."


I might know what it meant. Didn't mean I felt like sharing with the douchebag. But I had a feeling—a really awful feeling—that it was the only way to get my body back.

"Devil's Cove is somewhere in Maryland." Nina's wide gaze swung to me. "Remember when we headed for Danvers—we drove through Bel Air? It was in Maryland. I saw an old sign—it read Devil's Cove."

Nina shook her head confused, dumbfounded I knew what the hell Devil's Cove meant.

"Why would I see that?"

"I think you know why." I whispered. Nina had given Etna's ring back, but the issue was still running around her mind, I know how important trip was to her. Her Power her knew it.

The minute it dawned on her what I was implying, the most breathtaking smile broke across the exhaustion, overshadowing the circles under her eyes.

I felt an impulse. Hers. To kiss me.

Hotness peeked inside veins that weren't mine, but all I felt, was mine and for her.

Sensing my discomfort, she slipped off to the side.


Phillip was angry. It made two of us.

We hadn't gotten more sleep after Nina's revelation. We searched online for Devil's Cove and, like I'd said, it was a tiny town in Maryland. It was famous for its many caves and underground tunnels. I'd knocked on my brother's rental room and interrupted what sounded like some heavy foreplay—at six in the morning. Either they hadn't gone to sleep or Serena was the only Phillip woke up early for.

After almost punching me, he let me explain. They hadn't been happy about leaving. Too bad. We left and drove for almost three hours without stopping, until a diner came up. Nina and Serena were sitting together in a booth talking quietly over bacon and eggs, our unwanted tag-along uncle was brooding across from them.

I was walked outside to sit beside Phillip. I sat beside him on the hood of my car, two mugs of burning, black coffee in hand.

"Peace offering," I handed one to him. Phillip glanced at it, eyebrows sunk. "Do you want an apology with your coffee?"

"That would be nice. A written one, in cursive."

I knocked my knee into his, "Don't push it." A small smile came alive as he reached for his mug. "I'm sorry for punching you. It was wrong. I know you had the best intentions, sometimes I do things that... I don't have to do."

"That's better than what I expected." He took a swig, eyes laughing.

I leaned back on my elbows, "Well," I drawled looking at his wild rusty-brown hair. "I rehearsed it in my head." That tore a laugh from him. I looked up, the sky was clearer here, but the terrain was still wet. "Should I also apologize for interrupting your morning with—"

"Don't finish that."

"Ooh, brother, you got me shaking."

"Seriously, shut up. I don't talk about you and Nina." A scowl twisted my face. Like there was anything to talk about.

"I'm not asking for details, Phill. I'm just curious." I sat up, taking a large gulp of coffee. Ah. Damn, I'd missed the stuff. "Do you... like her?"

Phillip set both elbows on his knees, turning to face me, bewilder.

"Did you just ask me that?"

Our angelical blood made us grow quicker, look older and it definitely made us hornier than normal teenage human guys. Along the years we'd dealt with that problem by messing around plenty of girls. Bottom line, Phillip and I had never talked about liking a girl, because we'd never been truly interested. Sure we'd talk about girls—about their skills, or lack of. Sometimes I'd ended up fucking girls he'd already fucked and the other way around.

"Yeah," I shared a private grin. "So, you like her?"

Dropping his voice, he whispered, gazing inside the diner—where Serena was sitting, "Yeah, I like her. She's... She makes me feel accepted. Like I don't have to try to be anything I'm not. It doesn't matter if I'm human or not."

I looked down into black drink still swirling. Him and I were family—brothers. We loved each other, protected one another, always would. But I knew what it was like feeling alone, not belonging.

"I'm glad, little brother. I really am." I finished up my drink. Before going inside to eat some food and get back on the road, I turned to him, "I do care about myself."


"I care about myself, but I'll always watch out for the people I love." My eyes flickered to Nina, lingering. She was being tough. Like the rest of her dream didn't bother her—I knew it did. It bothered me like an itch I couldn't scratch... A breath escaped. "The only reason why I was angry was because you put Nina and yourself at risk—I would never hurt either of you, I know, not on purpose... But I could have." I paused for moment, incapable of lifting my eyes off the floor. The stings behind them told me it would be unwise. "I didn't mean to hurt Dad. But I ended up killing him."

"It was an accident." Phillip said after a pause stretched between us. Had he and Nina swallowed a broken record? They kept saying the same thing to me. "You shouldn't think about this just because Michael is a douche canoe and decided it's your fault. I don't blame you. Let it go." Phillip patted the back of my neck affectionately.

I wish I could let it go.


It was night again. It had taken us hours to make it to Maryland, then we'd needed to ask for directions. Turns out signs for Devil's Cove weren't that abundant. Who would've known? It only took asking twenty different people in various different towns.

But we'd made it.

Devil's Cove was... more charming than its name led one to believe, thankfully. It was nestled in a forest area—surprise, surprise—a few miles away from the Potomac River. It was so tiny they only had one bar/diner. We parked outside said diner and walking in, it was easy to see we were the only ones who weren't locals. They were all chatty, some louder than others, others were huddled over a pool table using it to play cards and not pool.

I kept my hands in my pockets while they sat around a round table. A lot of eyes were on Phillip and Lucifer—again with the 'oh look! Twins!' thing. It got really annoying. It ticked me off more than before because I was Phillip's twin—not Lucifer.

People have no way of knowing that, Cameron, you idiot. I shot at myself.

"...what do you want to do? Kidnap someone and torture them to tell us where the entrance is?" Phillip shot angrily at out uncle.

Oh yeah. Apparently, people weren't too keen on telling us where the caves Valley of Shadows were. We'd asked one man outside and he'd shaken his head with fear in his eyes. Didn't know what that was about.

"When we looked this place up it said it was famous for the caves. It didn't mention names... but it listed a lot of accidents of explorer's and tourists." Nina was right. It was our strongest lead—after he dream—that this had to be the place. The accidents list had grown shorter since a few years back, though.

Sick of hearing them bicker like a bunch of old ladies and losers, I got my eyes somewhere nice. The younger bartender. Hair in a messy bun, rosy skin, showing enough cleavage for any guy's mine to run wild.

I glanced down at the table. Still arguing in hushed conversation. I rolled my eyes stepping away without earning the least bit of attention. I took a seat at a stool, close to the young waitress. I lowered both arms on the counter sending a sly smile her way, wagging one eyebrow once she caught me looking. Her looking away for a second was all I needed to know she liked what she saw.

The girl in her early twenties sauntered over with a bar rag over her shoulder, she leaned down giving me an ample view of her goods. I pretended to study them, thinking how Nina was going to slay me if this didn't work.

"Can I get anythin' for a handsome fellow like you?"

Cracking a wolfish smirk, I leaned in on my arms.

"Why yes, there is." I eased into it breezily. "A glass of Bourbon."

She nodded smiling, "That all?"

"Your name would be good to."

She laughed turning around to grab the whiskey bottle.

"I'm Cindy." She said, slapping a glass and filling it with delicious amber liquid.

"Cindy," I let it roll off my tongue slowly, reaching for the glass. "Cute name. Your parents hit spot on, babe." I sipped—I'd drank all sorts of alcohol before. Only difference was, Power didn't let me get drunk. I'd gotten buzzed once—never drunk. So, better to be careful. "I'm Scott."

Cindy braced a hip on the counter batting her lashes. This was almost too easy.

"Where're you from Scott?"

"Little town in Virginia, you wouldn't have heard of it. I've been studying at Georgia College, though."

"Wow. That's far from here."

"Tell me about it. Just drove miles on miles to get here." I sighed rubbing a hand down my chin. "I have to do this thesis before my graduation? It's a real bitch."

"What are you majoring in?"

I hesitate for believable effect.

"Occult Studies," I let it sink in. She blinked her eyes a few times. "You just mirrored my parents' exact reaction when I told them."

Cindy quickly shook her head, some of the hairs in her bun came loose.

"No, no. I mean, it's not exactly something you hear everyday..."

"I know. It's weird."

"It's different," she shrugged trying to make it not an issue. I took one more gulp—bigger.

"I came here because one of my teacher gave me this lead—since I was so desperate about my thesis—he said there were some caves here? Told me some stories about them being haunted. Only didn't tell me why." I noticed her stiffening. "Asked a guy outside if he knew where they were but he totally blew me off." I finished with a miserable expression, moving my glass around.

Cindy shifted behind the counter, biting her lip continuously. She needed a little push.

"It's really hard to come up with good papers in this major. Everybody's tackled everything. I wanted to do something new—not another vampire or werewolf myth."

"Well..." she beat a nail on the wood. I looked up with soft eyes. She caved, getting closer to whisper. "There are caves near here. Old timers called them Valley of Shadows, because they're deep and always down there it's always dark. Even when it's morning. It used to be a big attraction but... the more people went to check them out, the more accidents happened. At first it was normal stuff. Twisted ankle, bruises from tripping." She shook her head. "I really shouldn't be telling you this. It's dangerous there. People already got seriously hurt trying to further in—that's why some say it's haunted."

"I get that. But I came all the way to study this... It's not like I'm going deep, I just want some photos and hang around the entrance. No big deal."

"That better be it, because it'd be a shame for such a hot guy to end up hurt because of me." Someone kill me. Please. "The folk that lives around here decided to take down the signs pointing to the Valley few years ago, we also don't tell many tourists about their location unless they insist... Here it goes." She drew out a big breath before unloading what I needed to hear. "There's a waterfall behind an abandoned Inn, if you go behind the waterfall you'll find a cave. That's it. The tricky part is going down the hole—into the main cave. You shouldn't go down unless you have experience with mountain climbing."

I drank the last of my drink—

"Where are you staying tonight?"

I near damn choked.

"Huh," I lowered the cup, looking over a shoulder. Nina was glaring hard. Guess she'd noticed me missing. "With my friends."

"Oh," she smoothed her hands down her jeans embarrassed.

I smiled what I hoped was an apologetic smile and paid up before saying thank-you and good-bye. I didn't stop at the table nodding for the outside.

"While you idiots were deciding who to kidnap and torture for information I decided to actually do something. Like figuring out where the Valley of Shadows is."

They all looked at me with jaw-dropping expressions. Nina looked adorable and a little pissed—she stepped forward and slapped me. Okay, maybe more than a little.

I rubbed my cheek. Turns out having no Power actually made slapping hurt. I figured she'd be happy for the info I got, plus it wasn't like I'd shoved my tongue down that girl's throat. The thought was repulsing.

"Where is it?" I glared at myself. That was... so weird.

"Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out." Lucifer glared flaming daggers my way. I smiled widely enjoying every minute. He'd kept me from Nina, so, I was going to keep him from Etna as long as possible. "We can only go there during daytime." I shrugged under Nina's puckered eyebrows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is. This was really big, FYI biggest chapter in Ethereal so far. I read it through twice but I'm tired so, if you noticed any typos please let me know.

"Tu sei il mio amore, ti amo." means "You are my love, I love you"

I really missed writing Cam's POV, and the scenes between Phillip and him. Anyone curious about Nina's dream...?

Tell me what you guys think for more!