Status: Active

Calm Before the Storm

His Love - Her Heart

Anna's smile was the only thing in the world Carter cared about at one point in his life.
The blonde haired boy wanted to be the only one to put it there and when she was sad, he worked overtime.
He loved her, she loved him.
Anna met Carter when she was just sixteen years old.
'It was love at first site, but only in real life.' That's what she use to tell people when they would ask her about him.
The freckled redhead needed Carter's laugh and love like she needed the air to survive.
Together, the pair was a whirl-winded frenzy of firsts. First real kiss, first love, first everything.
Life has a funny way of pushing people together, and at the very same time, life is great at pulling people apart.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me. The plot belongs to me. Inspired by The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks.