‹ Prequel: Die Romantic
Status: Active :D

Angel Eyes

Chapter 11

"Oh God!" Jared shouted and walked away with his hands on his head.
"I'm sorry." The doctor said to Shannon. "You guys can see her now. A nurse will be in shortly to set up visitation schedules and what not."
Shannon nodded.
"Jared. Is she?" Andy mumbled.
Jared shook his head. "No. She's in a coma. But she was pregnant. She lost the baby."
"Oh no." Syn said. "That's why she wouldn't drink any beer. And why she was throwing up."
"Doc said we can see her now." Shannon said a he walked over to them.
They all stood up and went into her room. Their hearts sank when they saw her. She was unconscious and had tubes and machines hooked to her.
She had a feeding tube in her mouth going down her throat. She had an IV hooked to her right arm while her left arm was wrapped up. It didn't look like it was broken just sprained and scratched up.
The left side of her face had scratches, nothing too bad. There was a monitor monitoring her heart rate and another bigger machine that looked to be her life support, it was pumping air into her lungs from her nose.
Jared sat next to her and held her hand. He began to cry. Everyone in the room was crying.
Andy finally broke the silence. "Who's going to tell WiL?"
I was silent.
'I'm going to kill him when I see him." Jared said.
'This isn't WiL's fault." Andy defended him.
"Yes it is!" Jared snapped back at him.
"How is it WiL's fault?" Matt asked.
"He cheated on her." Jared said.
It was silent again.
"That asshole." Syn said.
"It wasn't his fault." Andy said again.
"Then who's fault is it?" Jared stood up and asked.
"The truck!" Shannon yelled. "We don't need to be laying blame on anyone. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"She was only coming over because she was upset, because of WiL." Jared said.
"Actually she called me first. I told her to go to your place. So does that make it my fault?" Andy said.
Jared sighed again.
"WiL didn't have anything to do with this. And it wasn't his fault. Trox drugged him. Drugged Nick too. And then told him that Shiloh was cheating and talked him into doing it too." Andy explained.
"He didn't need to agree to it." Jared said.
"Jared, what part of drugged don't you understand?" Andy said.
"Guys stop fighting. Shiloh wouldn't want any of us fighting especially you two." Matt said.
It was silent after that.
Emma walked in a few moments later. "Jared I called Irving and Peter. Peter is going to get it off the news before it does any damage. Irving said that the fans already know, there has been some tweets about it towards her and you guys. He said you should probably just do a public announcement about it and tell everyone she's okay."
Shannon sighed. 'This sucks."
"We shouldn't lie to the fans." Tomo said. "They are way to supportive and caring to do that."
"But we can't tell everyone she's in a coma." Shannon said.
"I'll figure it out." Jared said.
Again it was silent.
"I hate seeing her like this." Tomo said to break the silence.
"We all do." Syn said.
"We need to get Bubba and another guard here. And a list of visitors." Jared suggested.
"When's that nurse coming?" Shannon said to himself.
Jared stood up and left the room. He went to find the doctor.
"Yes?" The doctor asked.
"Where should we leave a list of visitors?"
"Over with that man at the desk." The doctor said as he pointed at the desk.
Jared walked over to the desk.
"Do you need to set up visitations?" The man asked.
The man nodded and got out a sheet of paper. "Fill this out. We have a three visitor limit."
"Well its going to be more than that." Jared said as he started filling out the sheet.
"I said it's going to be more than that. And our body guards will be here 24/7. Someone will be here each night. If you have a problem with that take it up with our lawyers." He handed the man a sheet.
"She needs a trauma name." The man said
"What?' Jared asked.
"When we have trauma patients or when anything has been on the news we give our patients a trauma name, a code name. When you visit you have to say that name to visit."
Jared nodded. "Deathbat."
The man at the desk typed everything into the computer. "Okay you're all set. Take your time on the list of visitors."
Jared nodded and walked back to Shiloh's room.
"When we visit we have to say we are visiting Deathbat or they wont let us see her. That's her trauma name." Jared informed them.
Matt and Syn smiled at that.
"How long can we stay?" Tomo asked.
Jared rubbed his eyes as he sat down. "I didn't ask. But I told them there would be numerous visitors daily."
Everyone sat in silence. No one wanted to leave and no one really new what to say.
Andy's phone rang. It was WiL. He had just arrived at the airport and needed a ride.
"It's WiL." Andy said and left the room.
"Hey man." Andy said.
"Hey are you on your way?" WiL asked.
"Yea I'm leaving now."
Andy went back in to let everyone know he would be back with WiL and left. When he got to the airport WiL was waiting outside with his luggage.
"Hey." WiL said as he got into the car.
"Hey." Andy said as he started driving. He wasn't sure how he should bring this up to WiL. Andy started driving for the direction of the hospital instead of Shiloh's.
"Where are we going?" WiL asked. "I need to see Shiloh."
"That's where we are going." Andy said.
"Where is she?"
Andy sighed. "Look man, I don't know how to tell you this but." He paused.
"What?" WiL asked nervously.
"Trox sent Shiloh a picture. A picture of you in bed with someone else."
"I'm going to kill that mother fucker. Andy I swear to god I didn't mean too. He spiked my fucking drink. I completely blacked out and-"
"WiL. That's not all."
WiL was silent.
"She was on her way to the band house and a truck hit her going eighty. His brakes went out and there was nothing he could do to stop."
WiL's heart dropped. He wasn't sure what to make of this. "Is she okay?"
Andy scratched his head. "She's in a coma."
"Oh god." WiL said and moved uncomfortably in his seat.
"Wil. She was also four months pregnant. She lost the baby."
WiL started to cry. "No. Don't tell me that."
"I'm sorry man." Andy felt bad. He hadn't seen WiL cry before.
WiL felt incredibly sick. He completely broke down. He felt broken. He fell like a piece of him just died.
He was angry, angry at Trox. He just wanted to see Shiloh. He just wanted to know that she was okay. He was terrified of losing her. He lost his child, he didn't want to lose his wife too.
When they got to the hospital they rushed to her room. WiL stopped in the doorway when he saw her. Hooked up to all those machines, it killed him to see it, he didn't want to see it.
"Oh no." WiL cried and ran over to her bedside. He put a hand on her cheek. "Wake up baby. Please." He kissed her forehead
Jared stood. "This is your fault."
"I didn't do anything!" WiL shouted. "Trox drugged me! I would never hurt Shiloh like that."
"You just did you piece of shit." Jared said as he walked out of the room. He didn't want to be anywhere near WiL. He truly believed it was his fault.
Watching the way WiL reacted and cried made everyone else cry.
"I'm so sorry baby." WiL said as he wiped his face off. He sat down and rested his head on his and her hand.
"She'll be okay." Andy said trying to comfort him.
WiL looked up. "She lost our baby." He cried harder.
This was hard on everyone. They all loved and cared about Shiloh so much. She meant so much to all of them. They didn't want to lose her. They didn't know what they would do if if they ever lost her.
She was such a big part of all of their lives. She helped them with albums, she performed with them, she was there with them through Jimmy and other hardships. She was their biggest supporter. She was their little sister, their band mate, she was part of all of their families.
It was hard to tell who was taking it the hardest. Matt and Syn already lost Jimmy, they didn't want to lose Shiloh too. She was their best friend, their little sister.
WiL and Jared both loved her more than anything. She meant everything to them. She was their whole world. Neither of them could live without her. They loved her.
Shannon, Tomo, and Andy cared about her too. She made everything fun for them. She made the band feel alive again. She made Andy's band happy and entertained them all the time. It would be a tremendous loss if she didn't make it.
"Shiloh?" Cassie said from the doorway. She saw it on the news too. She started screaming and she fell to the floor. Matt ran over to her and helped her into the hallway.
Shiloh was her best friend. Shiloh was the reason she was here, the reason she was married to Ashley. Cassie couldn't lose her. Not her best friend.
Jared walked in after. "It's everywhere. It's all over the internet. Fans are freaking out."
"What should we say to them?" Shannon asked.
"I don't know." Jared sighed.
"I think we should focus on telling our friends." Syn said.
"We can have a meeting at the house. Call everyone over and tell them." Tomo said.
"Let's do that. I'll post a message on facebook for the fans." Jared said.
A nurse walked in just then. "You guys have to leave for the night. You can all come back tomorrow and stay as long as you'd like." She left after telling them.
"I'm not leaving." WiL said from her bedside.
"I'll be back after the meeting." Jared said.
WiL nodded and they all left.
When they got to the band house they all called their closest friends and asked them to come over. About an hour later everyone was there.
"Thank you everyone for coming out today." Irving said as he stood in front of everyone. "I'd like to start by introducing myself. My name is Irving, I am the manager for Mars."
Everyone stood there confused.
"It is with a heavy heart that the band and I want to inform you that today Shiloh was in a car accident."
There was a gasp from everyone who didn't know.
"Is she okay?" Johnny asked.
Irving took a breath. "She is in a coma."
Jared looked at his feet and choked back tears. Lindsay walked over and hugged him.
"We're hoping she'll wake up soon." Irving added.
"Can we see her?" Zacky asked.
Shannon spoke up then. "We can see her. To see her we need your names on this list. Also you have to call her by her trauma name which is Deathbat. If you don't you can't see her." He passed the sheet around for everyone to sign.
"What exactly happened?" Jake asked.
"The truck driver's brakes went out. He couldn't stop. Shiloh was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Tomo said.
The room grew silent as everyone wiped their tears away.
"She's a fighter. She'll be okay." Matt said.
"Are you going to be okay?" Lindsay asked Jared.
Jared laughed a fake laugh. "I'll be okay if she wakes up. This is WiL's fault."
Lindsay's expression changed. "How?"
"He cheated on her. Andy is saying that it's Trox's fault. That Trox got him drunk and drugged him."
Lindsay sighed. "Jared he's telling the truth. Trox did the same thing to me."
Jared was surprised. "What?"
Lindsay nodded. "He got me drunk and told me that WiL was cheating on me, then talked me into cheating on him. Ruined our marriage."
Jared shook his head. He was disgusted that someone would do that. "I'm going to kill him."
"I'm sure Shiloh will have that covered when she wakes up." Shannon said.
"I'm going to head back to the hospital." Jared said.
"Take it easy on WiL." Shannon said.
Jared nodded and headed out. Jared so badly wanted to blame WiL for this. After what Lindsay told him, he couldn't. He stopped at the cafeteria for a couple coffees before going up to her room.
"Sir I already told you you have to leave." The same nurse from earlier said.
"Ma'am, I understand you are doing your job, but that girl is my best friend and band mate. So I'm going to try and say this nicely. Please back the fuck off." He said as he walked into her room.
When he walked in WiL was still sitting next to Shiloh with his head down.
"I got you a coffee." He said as he handed it to WiL.
"Thanks." WiL said and took it.
"I'm sorry for earlier. I was just upset."
"It's fine Jared. You're right anyway." WiL said as he took a sip of his coffee.
"I'm not right. Lindsay told me what Trox did to her."
WiL chuckled. "Am I the only damn person she didn't tell? Maybe had she told me this wouldn't have happened."
Jared nodded. "I'm sorry."
"You would just prefer I hadn't met her."
Jared sighed. "Yes and no. If you hadn't she would be with me and not in this situation but if you hadn't she wouldn't be as happy as she is. You make her feel something I can't make her feel." Jared explained. "As much as I hate to admit it, you're good for her."
"Thanks." WiL said with a smile.
"She'll wake up WiL. She loves you too much to let go."
WiL nodded and they sat in silence for a few hours.
Jared stood up and stretched. "I need to get some sleep."
WiL didn't say anything.
"Unless you need to?"
"No I'm fine."
Jared leaned back on the tiny couch in the corner and closed his eyes. When he woke up WiL was gone and replaced by Matt, Syn, Zacky, Johnny, and Arin.
"Where's WiL?" Jared asked.
"He went home to shower and eat." Matt said.
Zacky, Johnny, and Arin's eyes were all red and puffy.
"They okay?" Jared asked.
"They're as okay as the rest of us." Syn said.
Jared decided to go home, shower, and eat too.
"How is she?" Shannon asked when he got home.
"Not awake." Jared said as he made his way to his room. He sat on his bed and tried not to cry. He took a quick shower and when he was done he pulled out his phone to call Lindsay.
"Hey you." She said when she answered.
"Hey. Come over?" He asked.
"Yea. I'll be there in a few minutes. Will Shannon watch Phineas?"
"Yea. He loves babysitting Phineas."
They hung up after that and eventually Jared heard a knock on his door.
"How you doing?" Lindsay asked when he opened the door.
"Shitty. You?"
She sat on the edge of his better. "I'm okay. Worried about you and WiL though."
Jared sat down next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and rubbed his back. "Everything will be okay."
Jared nodded.
Lindsay leaned over and kissed his cheek. Over the past few weeks they got closer. Lindsay had feeling for Jared, but Jared wasn't sure if he had feelings for her or not.
She was just as supportive, loving, and caring as Shiloh was. Jared didn't want her to feel like she was a replacement. But she made him feel better. It was hard to be upset around her.
"Thanks for coming." Jared said.
"Anytime." She said with a smile.
Jared leaned over and kissed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked that chapter. Don't cry too much. If you like the story tell your friends.
Thanks everyone for reading. Chapter 12 up next weekend. xoxo