Status: My heart is like a new puppy. It has his freedom to explore, but rather stay close and be protected by you.

The Echo in My Head

Chapter Nineteen

Dear Daddy,
I'm sorry that I did this too you. You shouldn't have died. I should've been paying attention to what I was doing. You didn't know that I had been drinking. If you did you would've called us a cab. I'm upset that you're gone, than anything else. I could really use some advice right now. I miss you more than anything daddy and it hurts that you're not here. That night daddy, that night that I took you away from me, I needed you. I needed you to just take me in your arms and hold me. Hug me close and never let me go. Instead we had both been drinking. Instead of me saying something on it, I let you think that I was sober. I should've stopped you there. Instead I took the keys and started up the engine. Everything was going fine. That was until a text had came through on my phone. A text that could've waited. Instead because so much was going on I checked it. Looking at that text at that moment was the biggest mistake I've made. That was the biggest regret I have. After that the car began to swerve, you yelled at me to get it together and grab a hold of the wheel. Instead I panicked. I couldn't get it through my mind. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. That night changed me forever. I'm completely different now daddy, but deep down I'm still daddy's little girl. What I'm going to tell you next, I know your not going to like it. Momma hates me. i can almost hear you saying that's not true, but it is. She told me I wasn't her child anymore. Everyone keeps saying she's in mourning and just needs time to heal. Then I think that if I was tooken that night right along with you, What would she be saying about me then? Probably how her baby was too young to leave her like that. Anyways daddy, I met this boy. His name is Echo. He and a few others saved me. I mean we've saved each other. We have people who love and care about us and is willing to show it. I would love for mommy to welcome me with open arms again, but until that happens I'm glad to have my friends. I miss you so much daddy that I swear I can sometimes hear your voice. You are still my everything and I am still daddy's little girl. Never forget me and what we had daddy, and I won't forget you. My heart is breaking while writing this letter so I think that I should end it now. I love you daddy. Don't worry about me while you rest anymore, I have Echo and the others helping me now. Good-bye daddy.
Your babygirl Kitty
♠ ♠ ♠
So these letters are important. The reason I put them as separate is because I wanted you to focus on each letter separately. Each one is special as one. Well I don't know when I'm going to update again. I was just going to end it after this chapter, but I decided to keep it going. Will it be a happy ending? Maybe, maybe not.