Our Wonderland

Please don't stop the music

(Chester's POV)

As I walked through the halls I could hear the rumors circulating about Sarah. Some of them were harmless, others though left a bitter taste in my mouth. When I entered my sixth period physics class I was only mildly surprised to see Queen sitting at one of the desks. It was only right that someone as smart as her would be taking classes outside of her grade. What caught my attention however was the fact there was a large gap between her and the rest of the class. Standing in the doorway I could still hear the whispers flooding the hallways.
"I never liked her you know. Always acting as if she was better then the rest of us."
"I bet her dad is involved with the mafia."
"I heard he left them with a giant debt."
Turning my head back to her I could see the red tint around her eyes. She had been crying. That was completely unforgivable. Walking over I pulled out the chair next to hers and sat down without a second thought. All the whispers in the room stopped as I leaned back thrusting my feet onto the desk. Sarah looked at me with wide eyes, they grew even wider as I winked.
"Man people hear don't know how to keep their mouths shut, no wonder they don't have time to study." I said my voice carrying around the room.
Sarah stifled a laugh behind her hand as the noise tripled people shouting at me to shut up. Looking back at her I winked again before placing a book over my eyes and tuning everyone else out.

(Sarah's POV)
I couldn't understand why they were standing up for me. First Maria, then Chester, it boggled my mind. What was next Adam posing as my bodyguard or something?
"Hey you gonna move or something we're gonna be late for class." A voice said from behind me.
Turning I cam face to face with Adam....
"Excuse me?" I asked a little confused.
Had he been there the entire time or did I imagine him?
"Get a move on you have class i have class the sooner we get to them the better." He growled out.
Without thinking about it I started walking in the direction of my next class. Adam walked right beside me, every time someone made a move to say something or sneer at me he would growl and shove them on their way. When we finally reached my room he waved and made to take off.
Slowly he stopped and turned his head back to look at me. I needed answers. And I was going to get them.
"Why are you all doing this? Why can't you leave me alone?" I asked clutching my textbooks to my chest.
"Because you're one of us now. Deal with it." Adam replied.
With that he left jogging down the hall as they bell rang.