Status: Hiatus

Turn The Other Way


When we were ushered inside I was officially introduced to the band members and had the pleasure of meeting Matt's girlfriend, Val. She seemed really sweet and was obviously infatuated with her boyfriend, who I could tell was just as crazy about her. I was a little jealous of their relationship, simply for the reason that they had one. As much as I didn't agree with my parents view, I did long for that intimacy. Of course, I would never admit that to them.

I pushed the thoughts from my head, determined to have fun tonight, and followed Zacky into the kitchen for a drink.

"Do you want beer or something a little stronger?" he raised an eyebrow, holding up a bottle of Jack Daniels for me to see.

"Do you even have to ask?" He chuckled, taking two glasses from the cabinet. I watched as he swiftly filled each glass, handing me one as he drank from his own.

"So, what do you do Celestina?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"I'm a student at UCLA," I replied. "Right now I'm just working at Record Heaven for the summer."

"What are you majoring in?" he seemed genuinely interested, which surprised me.

"Psychology." I waited for him to make a witty remark about my future career, but I didn't get one.

"That sounds cool," he smiled and I returned the favor. Zachary Baker was definitely not like the other guys I had dated, which was definitely a good thing in my books. I found myself relaxing more in Zacky's company and letting loose a little. Perhaps a bit too loose.

Just a few hours later and I found myself still at Brian's house, rather wasted and hanging onto Zacky to keep my balance.

"Why did you let me drink so much?" I slurred.

"I thought you could handle it," he laughed at my inebriated state.

"Nope," I shook my head. "I don't usually drink much. I'm a major lightweight."

"Well I'll know that next time," he smiled down at me. "Come on, you need to sit down a while."

"I think you're right," I mumbled and allowed him to lead me to the living room where the rest of the band was sitting.

"Hello," I said to Jimmy as I collapsed onto the couch beside him.

"Well hello there," he laughed and put an arm around my shoulders. "Having fun?"

"Mhm," I rested my head on his shoulder. "I think it's time for me to go home."

"Zack, you want to come get your girl before she passes out over here?"

"I'm not his girl," I lifted my head in protest. "I'm no one's girl." Jimmy lifted his hands in apology and Zacky helped me up from the couch. I latched onto him and waved lazily to Jasmine and Brian, too preoccupied with each other to even notice, as I stumbled my way down the driveway to my car, the warm night air lightening my intoxicated state.

"What do you think you're doing Celestina?" Zacky asked and I turned my head, inches away from his face. "You can't drive."

"I'm not stupid," I scoffed, detaching myself from him and retrieving my cell phone from the front console. "I'm calling a cab."

"Why don't you just stay the night at my place?" I raised my eyebrows at his offer. "I live just down the street."

"What makes you think I'd want to stay with you?" I challenged him. He moved in closer, wrapping a tattooed arm around my waist.

"Stop trying to make excuses," he breathed into my ear causing my heart to race.

"I'm not trying," was my weak response. I looked into his vibrant eyes to see the same emotion that I knew must me present in my own. Without another thought I nodded and allowed him to lead me away from Brian's lit up house and into the dark streets of suburban Huntington Beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
That one was a bit short, but I wanted it to end there.
Comments would be rad.
<3 Emily.