Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?


There were four best friends. A long time ago. They lived in the same city for years. The city of Rome. They grew up together even when they were told not to.

Joe and Andy were wealthy and had a good life. A really good life. Their parents worked for the Emperor and they had a beautiful house, on the other hand there were Pete and Patrick.

When they lived with their parents their life was okay, they did not have much money but they had food on the table every night. There was a serial killer on the lose who was killing poor citizens. He didnt think they deserved to live.

One night Pete and Patrick were wandering the streets, like they used to do every night. To admire the beautifull city they lived in. When they got back to their houses they were shocked. Pete and Patrick were neighbours and they heard eachother scream from their own houses. Their parents got brutaly murdered. Patrick was only 10 at the time and Pete was 15. From that moment on Pete and Patrick had been inseperatble. Were Pete went Patrick would follow.

Patrick was a shy person. Did not have many friends besides Pete and you could say he got along with Andy and Joe. He was afraid to let other people close to him in the fear of losing them.

Pete on the other hand had a lot of friends. Andy and Joe were two of them. See, since their parents were murdered they have been living on the streets. Andy and Joe would bring them food very often. They could not do it every night in case of being caught. It was a small crime to help out the people on the streets. They were considered dangerous. Even though they werent.

The four of them got closer and closer and eventually they were the bestest of friends you could imagine. It didnt matter to them how much money you earned or in what kind of house you lived in. What is on the inside counted to them.

But will their friendship last?