Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 10

The door of the boys cell opened and Patrick got thrown in. His fragile body on the cold floor. He groaned in pain and couldnt get up. Gerard jumped of his bed and so did Brendon. They helped Patrick up and placed him on his bed.

Patrick immidatly backed away as far as possible. Gerard layed his hand on Patricks knee and Patrick flinched at the touch. This told Gerard enough. He knew what happened. He already guessed but this was a confirmation.

He developed Patrick into a hug and he could feel him tense up but he didnt let go. The face of the younger boy was now on his chest and he could feel him silently crying. Gerard rubbed Patricks back and told him over and over that it was going to be okay.

Gerard really felt sorry. Patrick was the youngest of them all. And in the 5 years he had been here. Patrick has been the youngest of everyone who has been here.

It hurt him. It hurt him how evil some people can be. It hurt him how someone could rob a child of his innocence this early in life. It hurt him how some could scar a child for life at that age. It hurt him that he was helpless. He couldnt make it better for them. He tried, he did. He offered himself to the emperor. So that the younger ones would be left alone but the emperor denied. He likes them young. Thats why Gerard has to go soon. But till then he'll try to keep the boys safe. He'll be there to comfort them. To tell them stories. To be some kind of family to them. Sometimes he feels like a father figure. Or an older brother and it means a lot to him to boys trust him with that role.

Patrick had stopped crying and Gerard hears him soflty snoring. He places him down and lookes at his face. Patrick has a black eye and his jaw is bruised. His arms are covered in small bruises and so are his legs. He covers Patrick with his blanket and stands up.

Brendon stares at Patrick and tears are threating to spill. Gerard turns around and again the feel of responisbility comes up. The feel of being there for the boys. Brendon stands up and runs up to Gerard. They hug eachoter for minutes before they sit down.

'Do you think we'll ever get out alive' Brendon asked Gerard.

'I don't know kiddo, I would like to believe so. It keeps me sane. It keeps me alive' Gerard answers kindly and he hugs the younger one again.

He feels him shaking and he knows he's crying. He starts to rock him back and forth till he is asleep as well.

Gerard cant sleep that night. Hatred and sadness has filled his mind and body.