Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 11

Weeks and months have passed and Patrick still hasnt gotten used to the abuse. To the misstreatment. He still cries himself to sleep everytime 'it' happens. He thought it would get easier but it hasn't. Not at all.

Today Gerard turns 18 and all the boys are scared for him. They are scared that he has to leave. They dont know what to do without him.

He has been Patricks rock. He has been like a brother to not alone Patrick but to them all. They dont know if he'll have to leave but they say there goodbyes anyways. They did it during the night so no one had gone to sleep.

Gerard went to every boy and they all had to cry. But Gerard remained strong. He didnt cry. The last boy he turned to was Patrick and Patrick was fully crying by now. His eyes bloodshot and puffy. Gerard came to sit next to him and hugged him.

'Hey Kiddo, you'll be alright' Gerard spoke.

'I cant do this, without you' Patrick sobbed into his chest.

Gerard didnt know what to say. He couldnt hold back the tears he kept in and also he let them out. To be honest Patrick had saved him a little spot in Gerards heart. He didnt know him as long as the other boys but he was something special. Something Gerard couldnt explain.

Patrick was so pure. So honest. So kind hearted. He was the best person he had ever known.

Gerard heard Patrick sing sometimes. He didnt sing out loud but he always sung quietly to himself. Gerard thought his voice was beautifull. The most beautifull voice he has ever heard. There was only one thing Gerard wanted from Patrick. Just one before whatever was going to happen. Just one thing before he was going to die. Gerard broke up the hug and he looked into Patricks eyes.

'Can you do something for me?' He asked the boy.

'Anything' He replied softly, still crying.

'Can you sing for me?' And he did.

Patrick sang his little heart out. He didnt care that he wasnt any good. He didnt care that he hated his own voice. Gerard had done so much for him. That if this is what he wanted he could give him that.

He sang him a birthday song and by the end of it every boy in there were in awes. Gerard managed to smile and he hugged Patrick again.

'Thank you' He whispered in his ear.

Soon every boy got of their beds and they developed eachother into a big group hug before the door slammed open and Gerard got taken away.

(I cried :$)