Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 17

All of the boys were in their little 'cell' and Patrick was just staring in front of him. Two of the boys had become close. Tyler one of the older boys and the new younger boy Josh.

He was shy just as Patrick was and still is. He doesn't say much but Patrick can see he's scared. He sees him having nightmares every night and Patricks heart breaks a bit everytime he sees it.

The kid is so young and he can find a bit of himself in him.

Josh is the only one who is still pure. Who is still innocent. Who hasn't been violated as the rest. And Patrick was planning on keeping it that way.

He knew that there would be a day when the guard was going to pick up Josh for the night but he didnt know it was this night.

The door opened and a guard came in. He walked over to Josh who looked terrified. He backed away on his bed as much as possible. But the guard got angry and pulled him off. Patrick jumped of his bed and rushed over to Josh. He gently picked him up and set him on his bed. Now Patrick stood between the guard and Josh. The guard warned Patrick but Patrick didnt move. The guard punched him in the gut which made him fall to the ground. The guard quickly grabbed Josh by his little arm before Patrick punched the guard.

'You want it so bad?, well let's go then' the guard laughed and he let go of Josh. He grabbed Patrick by his hair and pulled him out of the room.

Patrick didnt resist and walked with him. He had no regrets. Whatever what was going to happen to him has happened before. He was used to it. He grew immune to it. At least little Josh was safe now.

They eventually arrived at the emperors bedroom. A too familiar room for Patrick. The door opened and he got pushed inside.

'You wanted me so bad, Patrick?, I knew you liked it' the emperor grinned.

Patrick knew the drill and took off his clothes. He walked up to the bed and layed down.

But he didnt know that tonight wasn't anything like he experienced before.