Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 1

Patrick was asleep while Pete went to the market to get a bread. He did not have money for anything else so bread had to do it.

They were used to it now. Used to not having food, or to be happy with anything they were given. They even gave their food away to people who had it worse than them.

For the past couple of months the Emperor let his servants pick up young kids from the streets to let them serve him. The emperor liked kids but Pete didnt trust him at all.

Pete has been scared, so scared for the past months. His biggest fear was that Patrick would be taken away from him. That Patrick would be taken away to live with the Emperor and that he has to serve him. Pete cant lose Patrick. Pete loves Patrick and nobody knows. Nobody can know.

When Pete returned from the market and walked to the alley Patrick and him stayed in his worst fear had become true. Patrick was screaming and kicking in the arms of the servants of the Empire. Screaming like there was no tomorrow. Tears flowing out of his eyes. He was screaming for Pete, for Pete to help him. But Pete couldnt move. Pete couldnt do anything. He froze, everything around him still going but he stood still, stood still in time.

The servants dragged Patrick away from Pete. Patrick still screaming and reaching out his arm to get to Pete. But it didnt work. They had taken Patrick, and Pete had done nothing.
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Sorry for the shortness