Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 18

Patrick eyes shot open. He looked around him and saw the emperor grinning. He could barerly breath and his throat was hurting.

The emperor had choked him. Choked him to the point he couldnt breath anymore and blacked out.

The emperor didn't stop and went on and on and Patrick felt exhausted. Patrick felt like sleeping but the pain and the emperor didnt let him.

Never has this happened before. Never did it take so long. They went on for hours. Hours straight. Patrick didnt know where the emperor got the strenght and power from.

But this wasnt all. This wasnt it.


The torture finally ended and Patrick was too broken to walk to their cell. He was at the verge of unconsiousness. So the guard dragged him by his hair down some stairs and halls. Dragged him like an animal. Like he was nothing at all.

Patrick had diffeculty with keeping his eyes open but he saw the door to their cell being opened and he got dropped down like trash. The door closed and Tyler and Brendon rushed to his aid.

Both of them had never seen this. Never seen the emperor breaking down a boy like that.

Josh sat on his bed guilt rushing through him. He wanted to help but couldnt make himself do it. It was because of him Patrick was like that.

Patrick was shaking violently and it took a lot of effort for the boys to get him onto his bed. When he finally layed down he curled up in a ball. Excluding himself from the world around him.

He wanted to shut of his feelings. He wanted to feel numb again like all those other times but now he couldnt. This was far much worse than he had experienced in years and he couldnt believe it.

Brendon tried to comfort him but he only pushed him away. He didnt want anyone to see him like this. He didnt want anyone to see how broken he really was.

Still after what happened that night he had to remain strong. Remain strong for his 'family'.