Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 21

Brendon was soon turning 18. Soon Brendon had to leave. Soon he was going to have to fight for his life. For his freedom and Patrick wasn't ready for that. He wasn't ready to lose someone else that became close to him.

Weeks had past and the Emperor still left little Josh alone. It was Patrick instead who was taking it all. Josh tried to object but Patrick wouldnt listen. Even the older boys tried to stop him from offering himself to the emperor. It was hard for the boys to watch Patrick in pain every night. Watching him struggle. Watching him cry.

It had been a long time since the boys saw him cry. But the past couple of weeks he has been crying himself to sleep every single night. And the boys are helpless.

They want to know what happened but they can only guess.Patrick still doesn't speak. Not a word.

The boys were all asleep when they are awoken by the door slamming against the wall. Two guards came in and one rushed over to Josh and one to Patrick.

Josh didnt object and stood up. In fear of being hurt. Patrick on the other hand couldnt get up and he got thrown onto the ground.

The were violently taken to the emperor and little Josh was silently crying. Patrick gave the boy a reasuring squeeze, letting him know he wont let anything happen to him. The younger boy managed a little smile and kept walking. Patrick managed to walk the whole way to the Emperors bedroom.

He wasnt ready for another night. He never was. The door opened and there he was again. To Patrick it was the same old story but for little Josh it wasn't.

Patrick stood in front of him. Trying to protect him. The Emperor just grinned. Just grinned and it creeped them out.