Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 22

One week. After a week they'll start their demonstration. Their demonstration in front of the Emperors place.

Hundreds, hundreds of people are joining them. And it gives them hope. It gives them the hope they need.

They were shocked to be honest. Shocked by how many felt the same way as they did. Shocked by how many felt mistreated. By how many have been hurt by the emperor and it's rules. Shocked by how many were willing to risk their lives not only for themselves but for others.

The demonstration that they were going to hold wasnt going to be a violent one. They didnt believe in violence. In their opinion violence didnt solve anything, it only made things worse.

The boys have been planning the demonstration for weeks. This week they are going to inform the participants how late they are going to start and where they'll get together.

It's quit a job since there are so many and they have to do it discretely. The words musn't reach the emperor or all their work has been for nothing.