Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 24

They arrived at their cell and got thrown in. Little Josh immidiatly rushed over to Patrick and hugged him. Josh was crying on his chest and he kept apologizing. But Patrick only shook his head.

Patrick soon had to leave. Just like Gerard. He had to meet his fate. He didnt know what was awaiting him. He tried to kill the emperor. Only death is the punishment.

He knew he wasnt going to stay here for long anymore so he wanted to say goodbye to the boys. To his 'family'.

They all stood up and they developed eachother into a big hug. The boys broke up the hug and everyone returned to their beds. Except for Brendon, Tyler and Josh.

They were all crying. All in tears. A couple of years back Gerard was Patricks rock. His supports. His reason to keep fighting. Patrick himself became that, he became that to these boys. He became a rock, he became their support. And now he had to leave.

Patrick would lie if he said he didnt bond with them. Even though he tried his hardest not to. The four of them hugged again and they failed to hear the door open. Patrick got yanked away and before he got pulled out of their cell he spoke his final words.

'I'll miss you, stay strong!' And he dissapeared. The younger boys were in shock and so were the older ones. Josh sat dumbfounded on his bed. He just heard the most beautiful voice he's ever heard in his life. He heard Patrick talk for the first time he has been here.

Brendon cried. He hasn't heard him talk in years. He missed his voice. He knew why Patrick did it. He knew it was for his own protection. And for him to speak to them after all those years meant a lot.

It meant a lot to them all.