Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 27

Patrick was asleep and finally he had a dream instead of a nightmare. His nightmares changed over the past years. His nightmares werent longer about his parents, no. His nightmares involved the emperor. The torture playing back in his nightmares. He relived those horrible moments every single night up untill now.

This dream was beautiful. He was a free man again. Free to do whatever he wanted. He felt free. Felt relieved. He saw Pete again. They hugged and talked and cried and it was the most beautiful thing he has seen in years.

He wondered if he'll see him one day again. In heaven, if there is one. If he'll see him in the afterlife. That they will be reunited. But Patrick knew that wasn't going to happen. He was never going to see him again. He didnt believe in a heaven anymore. He's lost his faith in God a long time ago. To much has happened for him to have any faith left.

Patrick got woken up by one of the guards and he got thrown an outfit. It was a red skirt. Like the gladiators wear. He was given a shirt and a metal chest piece. It was armor. Patrick knew then that he had to fight. He still had a chance. Still had a chance to become a free man at last.

He was taken outside and put in a wooden cage that was all to familiar to him. Before they drove away and old man in a black robe came to him and he gave Patrick a piece of string. Patrick was confused why this man gave him that but he kept it. Maybe it could be usefull.

After a little while they arrived at the colosseum. Patrick looked up at the massive beautiful building and he could feel his heart pounding faster and faster.

He got taken in and again put into a little cell. There was a little window and Patrick looked through it. He could see inside the colosseum. He could see thousands of people cheering and clapping. There stood a man in the middle and he was probably announcing Patrick. Because the door to his cell opened and he got ushered out.

Everything that Gerard had told him was true. Except for the part that they were given a weapon. Patrick didnt recieve one. Patrick had to fight bare handed.

He stood in the middle and everyone was watching him. He looked up and saw the emperor smiling. He immidiatly looked away. He cant be distracted. He cant be distracted now he's so close to freedom.

Three other doors opened around him. And he was honestly surprised by who came out of them.