Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 31

They were going to leave. They were going to leave Rome. Pete and Patrick that is. Pete told Patrick about the free countries he heard off.

Patrick couldnt stay in Rome anymore. He lived in a constant fear. The fear of being taken away again. The fear of being hurt and tortured again. Patrick hadn't left the house for weeks. He was even afraid to go to Andy and Joe's house.

Andy and Joe decided to stay. They wanted to make a difference here. They kept demonstrating and organizing the demonstrations. They opened up their house for homeless kids. For kids without parents. For kids who survived their time at the Emperor.

Pete and Patrick had packed their bags and they sat at the dinertable waiting for Andy and Joe.

'Are you ready to leave, Trick?' Pete asked Patrick and Patrick only nodded. Patrick had not spoken a word since he got back. At first Pete didnt know how to handle it and got angry at him a couple of times. But eventually he understood.
Pete still didnt know what had happened to Patrick in all those years and he wasn't going to ask about it. He decided to wait. Wait for Patrick to open up about it to him.

Andy and Joe came by and they said their goodbyes. They hugged eachother and Pete and Patrick walked through their front door.

Pete gave them his house so they could help more kids and other people in need. Pete promised the two of them that they would return one day. They would see eachother again someday.

Pete and Patrick walked through the streets of Rome and they had to pass the Emperors house. They could here loud noises coming from there a couple of streets away.
They came closer and closer and Pete noticed how Patrick tensed up. Pete grabbed his hand and gave him an assuring squeeze. He let him know that he wasnt going to let anything happen to him. He was protecting him.

They came closer and closer to where the noise was coming from and when they turned around the corner they saw that the people were demonstrating. This time there were no soldiers. They've learned. They've learned that you cant go around and kill innocent protestors.

As they walked by the crowd Patrick stopped walking. Pete kept going untill he got pulled back by him cause they were still holding hands.
Patrick let go of his hand and ran into the crowd of protestors. Pete didnt know what to do. He ran after him but there were to many people. He lost him, so he decided to get out of the crowd and to wait there for him to return.

Patrick saw someone. Someone he once knew. Someone who has been important to him. He could barerly believe what he saw. After all those years he thought he would never see him again. He rushed through the crowd and stopped. He stood behind a guy and placed his hand on the man his shoulder. The man turned around and Patrick was in shock.

'G-gerard?' Patrick croaked out.