Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 34

After days and days of walking they finally arived at their destination. It was a little place near the sea. It was beautiful and peacefull. There were almost none homeless people on the streets compared to Rome.

Pete had saved them a little money so they could buy a house and they did.

Four years have they been living in that house. Four years have they been living in peace. Patrick slowly started talking more with the help of Pete. It was hard for him because it has been his armor for so long, his protection. And his protection was slowly crumbling apart day by day by learning to talk and opening up again.

Pete still had no idea of what had happened with Patrick in all those years. He wont tell him. It hurts Pete because he knows it's not something good.

Patricks dream he had was a rare occurance cause soon afterwards the nightmares returned. He would wake up screaming and panting and he left Pete helpless. He couldnt help him as long as he didnt tell him.

It was hard for Patrick to tell him. He was ashamed. Really ashamed. Ashamed he got violated and used like that. He was afraid if he'd tell Pete, that Pete would find him a disgrace. That he would not like him anymore. So he kept his mouth shut leaving Pete in the dark.

Pete loved him, always has and Patrick does too but Patrick kept his distance. Ofcourse Patrick would like to cuddle up to him at night and exchange kisses and do all the couply stuff but he couldn't make that commitment.

Patrick hoped that one day he would be stronger, be better, be fearless. That he could love again, that he could commit, that he could bond again. But it takes time, a long time and he knows it. He's glad Pete is still around. That Pete is still there for him. And he can't thank him enough.