Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 35

The two of them decided to go back to Rome for a little while. See it as a vacation.

They had promised Andy and Joe that they would return one day so they did. This time they didnt have to walk. This time they had a horse and carriage so their travel time got shortened.

After a couple of days and nights they arrived. They arrived at Rome. Patrick didnt want to return in all honesty. He didnt want to go back where all his problems started but he had to. He had to overcome this.

The streets of Rome were quiet. Quiet and empty. A scenery they havent seen in a while. There were no kids and homeless people on the streets anymore.

They walked past the Emperors house and it looked vacant. After walking further they walked by the colosseum and it looked like it hadnt been used in a while as well.

They wondered what had happened. They wondered if the protests and all had helped. They wondered if anything had changed.

They finally arrived at Andy and Joe's and they could hear a lot of voices. Voices of somewhat older men and women and a lot of kids.

They knokked on their door and soon a thin young man opened the door. His eyes widened and so did Patricks.

'P-patrick?' The young man whispered.