Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 3

Pete was now left alone. No one near him and no one arround him. He sat down against the wall and he allowed himself to cry.

He had promised to protect Patrick at all times, but he failed that promise now.

Pete didnt want to think about what might happen to Patrick. He onky knew that it wasnt gonna be something good. He had heard stories. About kids getting used by the emperor. And when they are adults he'll have enough off them and he lets them fight. Fight in his colloseum. If they survive they are free to go but almost no one gets out alive. There are stories that only 4 of the so many have survived but that they couldnt cope with the things that have happened that they killed themselves.

Pete wants to save Patrick but he knows that's not possible. That place is guarded to the max and if you try to get in you'll get killed in an instant.

Today Andy and Joe stop by to bring them food. Well they'll now only bring Pete his food. They stop by every wednesday, friday and sunday.

What is Pete gonna tell them? Patrick is their friend too. Not like he is a friend to Pete but they still care.

Pete hasnt moved from his spot, nor has he visited this old lady he always goes to, to bring food. He couldnt bring himself to do it.

He missed Patrick, and he hasnt been gone that long. He was still crying and he got some looks by adults that passed bye.

That's one thing he'll never understand. They got looked at so many times. Looked down at. They have been called names. Why? Because they are poor and they live on the streets. But that doesnt make them less of a person than them. He cant and will never understand that.

Pete likes to believe there's still some good in this world. But it gets harder and harder to see. At least Andy and Joe prove to him that it is possible. It is possible for the rich to communicate, to act normal to the less fortunate. They make him believe there is something good, still.

It has gotten dark and Pete feels someone tap his shoulder. He looks up and it are Andy and Joe with a basket of food and water. They look confused and soon they ask were Patrick is. Since Patrick was always around Pete. Patrick doesnt do good on his own. He's scared and thats why he never left his side. It was a huge step for him to let Pete go and try to make money.

Pete has diffeculty to explain where Patrick is and he's holding back tears. Andy crouches in front of him and he developed him in a big hug.

Andy knows and so does Joe. They know. They know Patrick has been taken. Taken by the emperor. But they cant do a thing.

They stay with Pete for the rest of the night. Ignoring everyone around them. They dont care if anybody sees them with Pete. They dont care if people start seeing them as a disgrace. Pete needs them now and so they will stay and be there for him.