Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 5

Patrick finally fell asleep after a severe panick attack. He had those a lot when he was on his own. He never told Pete that.

Everyday when Pete went away to make money he would feel one coming up. Every single day. Sometimes he could calm himself down before it got bad but most of the time he couldnt.

Like yesterday. He couldnt manage it and he eventually passed out. He abrubtly got woken up and yanked up onto his feet. He got dragged up the stairs and he walked the hallways. He heard so many voices around him and he couldnt see anything which made him scared.

They finally stopped walking and he got pushed down onto his knees. It was quiet here. No voices. Nothing at all. It wasnt cold here like in the cell he stayed in last night. It was warm but comfortable warm.

His blindfold was taken off and it took a while for his eyes to adjust to the sudden light shining on them. He looked around and he was in a big hall. A dozen of pilars supporting the roof. There were paintings on the walls but apart from that everything was white.

He finally looked in front of him and there was a big throne near the wall. He looked at the man who was sitting on the throne and it was the Emperor. He remembered his face from when there was a parade in the city. There were 6 childeren surrounding the throne. They didnt dare to look up from the ground. Patrick took a look at them and then he saw him. He saw his friend. Brendon. He looked like hell. He was thin and had bruises covering his arms. Patrick immidiatly felt bad for him but he also was kind of relieved that he had somebody here. Somebody that he trusted.

The emperor ushered the childeren including Brendon away. They were escorted out of the room by one of his soldiers. Now Patrick was alone with the guard and the emperor.

The emperor stood up and slowly walked up to Patrick. Patrick got scared. Not knowing what the Empiror his plan was. The emperor stood in front of him and he yanked Patrick on his feet. He brushed his hand across Patricks face and Patrick flinched at the sudden touch. He looked away which resulting in him being slapped across the face.

'No one dares to look away from me' the emperor yelled.

Patrick only nodded. His head was hanging down but his eyes were still focussed on the empiror. The emperor walked around him. His hand touching his fragile body as he did.

'What is your name?' He demanded.

'P-patrick' Patrick croaked out.

'Thats not how you speak to me' he yelled and slapped him again.

'P-patrick sir' Patrick tried again.

'Good boy' the empiror grinned and he ruffled Patricks hair.

Patrick was terrified and confused. What did he want from him? What was he gonna do?