Will You Remember Me, for Centuries?

Chapter 8

Pete still couldn't believe Patrick was gone. He wished he had Patrick in his arms right now. That he could protect him like a shield from every bad thing in this messed up world.

Pete was turning 18 soon and he wasn't looking forward to it. It would be his first birthday since he met Patrick without Patrick singing for him with his angelic voice.

Pete missed the younger boys voice. It soothed him. It calmed him down. Pete's head has always been a mess. Too many thoughts swirling around. Some may define him crazy but Patrick didnt. Patrick understood him. Patrick knew.

Sure Andy and Joe were there for him and they didnt saw him as a lunatic but they didnt understand him the way Patrick did.

Pete couldnt stop thinking about him. Thinking about what that pervert is doing to him. Everytime he does his heart aches.

Everytime he thought about it he wished it was him that got taken away. Not Patrick.

Patrick was so innocent. He couldnt even hurt a fly. Even though he wanted to. Patrick has seen enough in his life already. He has been hurt enough already he doesnt deserve the life he has now.

Sometimes Pete wishes that he had some kind of super powers. Powers that could change the world. Or just the power to be invinsible. Or to make others invinsible. So he could sneek into the empire and get Patrick out. Get Patrick into safety.

They would flee. Flee to wherever. Every other place than Rome.

Pete has heard stories. Stories from travelers. About free countries. Countries where you dont get judged. Countries where you dont have to fear the ruler. Countries where you could be who you are. Countries where you could be free.

If one day Patrick and him get reunited again. He would take him there. To a free country. To a place where they are safe. Safe and together.