You're Never All Alone

Chapter 15

“Here,” Frank said handing Rhyanna a cigarette.

“Thank you,” Rhyanna said as she leaned against the outside of the bus.

“You know these things will kill you, right?” Frank said as he lit his own.

“Thanks for the sound advice, coming from you it must mean so much,” Rhyanna teased as she exhaled.

“Yeah, thought I’d try the parent thing,” Frank said as he leaned against the bus as well.

“I don’t need another parent Frank. Mine is just fine. I’d much rather us be friends than family,” Rhyanna said staring off into the star lit sky.

“Friends?” Frank asked.

“Well I mean we don’t have to be if you don’t want. Just thought it’d be nice,” Rhyanna teased, looking sideways at Frank.

“No, no. Friends is fine with me,” Frank said nudging her with his elbow.

They fell into silence as they stood there staring out into the stars. The sounds of the night filling the gap in their conversation. It was a weird silence, not uncomfortable, just like there was something that wasn’t being said and wouldn’t be said by either.

“You said parent. Don’t you have two?” Frank asked after a bit.

“No just me and my mom. My dad left us when I was five, right before my first day of kindergarten,” Rhyanna replied, not sounding too upset over the fact.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Frank offered.

“Nah, I don’t remember him much, he was always gone so I don’t consider him a part of my life. I like it just me and my mom and always have,” Rhyanna said, taking a drag from her cigarette.

“Does it help if I tell you I just have a mom as well. Well I have a dad, but they divorced,” Frank said, glancing sideways at Rhyanna.

“No wonder we get along so well,” Rhyanna said spinning quickly to face Frank and beam him a huge smile.

“That and we’re both crazy,” Frank said back.

“And tofu toting veggie freaks,” Rhyanna added.

“And tattoo maniacs,” Frank said, a smile spreading across his face.

“And in love with the Nightmare Before Christmas,” Rhyanna added starting to bounce in place.

“And Halloween fanatics,” Frank said giddily.

“And in love with music” Rhyanna laughed.

“Only way to be. Oh, and also, we have the best hair known to man, and woman, kind,” Frank added as he flicked Rhyanna’s mohawk.

“And... and SHORT!” Rhyanna shouted as she spun in a lazy circle with her arms out.

“And definitely crazy,” Frank said laughing quietly as he watched Rhyanna finish spinning.

“You already said that,” Rhyanna pouted as she turned to face Frank, closer to him than she had started.

“I, I thought it was worth repeating,” Frank stuttered when he saw how close Rhyanna was to him.

Rhyanna just smiled slightly at him, it more playing in her eyes than across her face.

“And beautiful,” Frank whispered as he brushed a stray piece of fly away bangs off Rhyanna’s face.

Rhyanna’s eyes went big at his gentle touch and soft words. Not knowing what her body was doing Rhyanna started to lean in. Frank let his hand fall from her hair and started to lean in as well, slowly closing the distance between them.

“Guys! What the hell is taking so damn long? How many damn cigarettes are you smoking?” Max called out from inside the bus.

At the sudden interruption Rhyanna stopped dead in her tracks and opened her eyes quickly, then turned to the front of the bus where there was an open window.

“Coming,” Rhyanna shouted before running towards the bus door.

“Great,” Frank sighed squinting his eyes shut quickly before opening them and heading back into the bus.


“And I’m back. Miss me anyone?” Rhyanna teased as she flopped down in her old spot next to Gerard, still drunk.

“Well of course. What the hell were you guys doing out there?” Gerard asked as he draped his arm around Rhyanna’s shoulders and handed her another beer.

“Just talking,” Frank said as entered and sat down again.

“Well we heard someone shout ‘and short’ rather loudly so we figured you talking about one of you two,” Mikey teased.

Frank just smirked half ass as he grabbed the beer he had just opened before he had left and chugged the whole thing and grabbed for another.

“Whoa there killer. Save some for the rest of us,” Gerard commented playfully.

“So who’s turn is it?” Rhyanna asked, cheerfully drunk.

“I believe it is Mikey’s,” Parker said.

“He’s not dead yet?” Rhyanna asked.

“No, he got ice water dumped on him while you were out. I can’t believe you didn’t hear his howls out there. It was great,” Coby replied, grinning from ear to ear like a fool.

“And I’m guessing you were the one who did it,” Rhyanna said, laughing at what she now saw was a soaked Mikey, who looked like a drowned rat.

“And it was Bob’s idea,” Coby added.

Rhyanna reached across and gave Bob an enthusiastic high five while Mikey glared at the two of them.

“Oh revenge will be so sweet, so sweet. So, Gerard truth or dare?” Mikey shot in his brother’s direction.

“Dare,” Gerard answered quickly as he grabbed another beer.

“I dare you to kiss Rye,” Mikey said, grinning evilly when he saw Rhyanna’s eyes pop out of her head.

“Can do,” Gerard said as he turned quickly towards Rhyanna’s shocked form.

Gerard gave Rhyanna his best sexy smirk before taking her head in his hands and crashing his lips onto hers roughly. Rhyanna’s eyes popped out of her head even more, if that was even possible, as his lips covered hers. But then they closed softly and she cocked her head to the side. Frank crushed the beer can in his hand violently, but no one noticed, everyone was watching the kiss unfold in front of them. Gerard rubbed his thumbs on Rhyanna’s cheeks before gently running his tongue across her bottom lip. Not really caring that people were watching due to the fact that she was drunk and after everything that had happened that day all she was craving was gentle attention, Rhyanna opened her lips just enough to let his tongue in. Gerard explored her mouth with his tongue, exploring every nook and cranny till she met his with her own. As Rhyanna’s tongue played with his own Gerard let a small moan escape into the kiss. Finally Gerard pulled back from the kiss, lips still only and inch from hers, eyes still closed, and smiled.

“Wow,” he said as he opened his eyes to be met with the Rhyanna’s proudly smiling face.

“I know. I’m just that good,” Rhyanna joked, smirking at Gerard before turning to the rest of the room and taking a sip from her beer.

Gerard sat there in shock for a bit more till he regained his senses and joined the rest of the group.


The night continued on in merriment, with plenty of other kisses between all the friends, though none quite so much like Gerard and Rhyanna’s. Max was even dared to kiss Mikey, with as much fervor as he did Frank the first time. After that Mikey went and passed out in his bunk. As the dares and truths died down, people started to get to the point in the drunken fun where they needed to go and pass out. The guys of Say Anything finally left, saying that they’d meet up tomorrow.

“And hopefully more after that,” Max said as he was the last one to leave the bus.

“Mmm bed sounds good,” Rhyanna said.

“You can take one of our bunks if you like and whichever of us can sleep on the couches,” Gerard offered.

“Nah. Couch is fine by me. Night all. And thank you once again for everything, I really appreciate it. It has meant a lot,” Rhyanna said to the guys left standing in front of her.

“It was our pleasure kiddo,” Bob said as he gave her a goodnight hug before retiring to his bunk.

“You’re one of us,” Ray said clasping her on the shoulder before stumbling into his bunk.

“You’re family now chicklet,” Frank said as he gave her a hug, too drunk to care about the awkwardness from before, or the fact that his stomach was on a roller coaster.

“You are the missing piece to our little half ass puzzle,” Gerard said as he hugged her, lingering a bit in the hug, and kissing the top of her head.

“Mhm, and we’re all drunk. Night all,” Rhyanna said as she turned from Gerard’s hug and stumbled to the couches.
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Well that was some type of gathering now wasn't it?
Oh how it reminds me of college...

So what do you guys think so far?