Status: Writing and posting

Remember Me

Where it all began

“Carly, snap out of it,” Blue eyes looked up at tan fingers snapping in front of her freckled face. She shook her head, sending her loose dark red curls waving.

“Sorry Laur,” Carly whispered. She looked down at her opened textbook and saw her pen dropped, leaving a spot of blue ink on an empty lined page.

“What’s with you lately?” Lauren asked pushing a black mug of steaming coffee in front of her roommate.

Carly half smiled and picked up the warm beverage.

“I don’t know, just exhausted I guess.”

“Well, I would be too if I was Skyping with a hot musician all night.”

Carly blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Sorry,” Carly said picking up her highlighter and tapping it on the wooden table. “It’s the only time we both can talk.”

“It’s fine, I’m just giving you a tough time.” Lauren said smiling.

Carly nodded and looked down at her psychology textbook, not really digesting the words below.

She looked out the long windows inside the university café and watched people walk across the green quad. She watched a few frat guys throw a football back and forth, a couple of girls watching from a blanket catching the warm sun rays. Couples walked hand and hand down the sidewalk, and some people walking solo with phones or music playing in ear buds.

Carly pushed the round button on her iPhone and sighed at the date, Nov. 1, 2014. School had only been in session for less than two months, and she couldn’t wait to head back to the coast.

Just as she started reading again, her phone chirped a text message alert. Her pink lips tugged at a smile at the simple words flashing across her screen.

“Hey Beautiful.”

“Let me guess, John?” Carly blushed and began typing furiously, her fingers flying across the screen’s keys.

“You never really told me about this summer.” Lauren said taking a bite out of her cookie. “I mean, bits and pieces, but I need details. I’ve given you enough time.”

Carly looked up and watched her friend’s green eyes grow. “Spill,” Lauren said smiling.

Carly looked outside and felt her heart pound with excitement and her pulse quicken.

“Well, it started down at the coast in the beginning of June.”
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Ohhh a new story :) I can't help it Taylor Swift songs get me itching to write new stories. It's short, but let me know what you think so far!