So I Need You

Tattoos of Memories


"Beth, are you paying attention? Listen to what I'm saying, you need to understand this."

"What?" I asked innocently, watching as Joe smirked at me playfully.

"You're just so cute when you daydream," he mocked.

I rolled my eyes. God, was he ever immature.

"You're an idiot," I retorted, "and I wasn't daydreaming."

"Oh really," he replied daringly, imitating the expression I wore only moments ago. I bit back a laugh as he stared off, his eyes wide and dazed.

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes, "what were you doing watching me anyway?"

He lips tightened a little, "I wasn't watching you," he replied quickly, "I just happened to glance in your direction-"

"And stare!" I finished for him, smiling triumphantly.

He straightened up, his expression completely pompous, "I don't think so Elizabeth. Don't try and turn the tables, I already know about your 'secret' crush on me."

He cocked his eyebrow, waiting on my reaction.

I laughed in disbelief, smacking him with my notebook. "You are such a loser, Jonas."

"That may be true," he smiled, "but we'll discuss how much of a loser I am later. Right now, you need to focus."

I groaned, laying my head down on the desk. "Can we take a break? I hate math, and I assure you I will never need to find the distance between two coordinates, so why in the hell would I need to learn it?"

"That's besides the point, isn't it," he teased, "now come on, plug the numbers in, and let's see if you've earned yourself a break."

"Asshole," I seethed, grabbing the calculator from his hands with great force.

He watched me, a smile plastered across his face as I tried desperately to figure out the problem before me. Ever since my life had taken it's turn, I just couldn't get my head around things even as important as school. I wasn't willing...I didn't care.

"Beth, come on, all you need to do it plug those numbers into the formula. I know you're smart, but you're incredibly lazy. I need to use the washroom, but when I get back you'd better be working on it alright?"

I nodded obediently, as he slid from his chair, walking swiftly out the door.

I tried to stay focused, gluing my eyes to the numbers written out for me. I breathed heavily, frustrated with myself. "You can do this," I muttered, tapping my pencil furiously against his desk, and sending it flying right out of my hand.

"Oh God dammit," I whined, immediately getting down on my knees, beginning my search for the damn pencil, but I was distracted. "What the-" I breathed, reaching out for the silver picture frame my eyes had landed on. It laid on the floor, under his bed, almost like it had been completely forgotten.

I held the frame in my hand, staring at the picture in confusion. It was Joe, but he wasn't alone. It almost ached inside me to see his handsome face looking so happy, holding this beautiful mystery girl. He stood behind her, his chin resting on the top of her head, as his arms were linked around her waist. It wasn't the picture in itself that confused me so much, it was the date marked one month ago in the corner of the picture that shocked me so much.

This picture had been taken a week before I had met Joe, meaning he had a-

"Beth," a voice questioned, cutting into my thoughts.

"Joe!" I exclaimed, the frame dropping from my hands, thudding loudly against the hardwood floor. "I-I'm sorry, it was an accident! Maybe I should go," I stammered, placing the frame on top of his bed hastily.

I figured anything hidden under his bed was something I shouldn't have been seeing, and that put me in an awkward position. I didn't even gather my books before rushing for his door.

"Beth, stop," he said softly, "it's OK, don't worry about it."

I watched as he grabbed the picture, stowing it under his bed again, taking a seat on top of it. He sighed heavily, dropping his head into his hands.

I approached him cautiously, sitting down beside him. "Is that your girlfriend?" I asked meekly.

He looked up at me, looking slightly confused.

"In the picture, I mean."

"Oh," he sighed, "no, she isn't. Well, not anymore at least, we broke up."

"Oh," I nodded, "look I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to see that."

"No really, it's okay," he assured me, sincerely, "it shouldn't even be under there."

I bit my lip, as I fought not to press on the subject. "Then why is it?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He stared ahead of himself, the expression he wore was unreadable. "I don't know Beth," he sighed, "I don't really know what happened with us, but she broke up with me when I had to move. I guess she didn't like the idea of the distance, but I'd been hoping we would work it out."

I looked down at my fumbling hands, a slightly pang of jealously burning inside of me. "You loved her," I stated more than asked.

"Love is a strong word," he went on, "I don't really know if I can say I've ever been in love. I mean, I feel like I'd be absolutely positive if I was."

I smiled, appreciating the sincerity of his words. "So, what happened with this girl?"

He turned to face me, "Megan," he laughed lightly, "her name is Megan, and I can't really explain it. I told her about moving to Los Angeles as soon as I found out, and she was OK with it at first, but then something changed. The day before we had scheduled to leave, she broke it off, she said she couldn't handle a long distance relationship. I guess the thing that disappointed me most was that I really thought we had something special, something that would pull through, you know?"

I linked my arm around his, laying my head against his shoulder. "If it's any consolation," I spoke lightly, "it's her loss, and she gave up an amazing guy."

"Yeah," he replied, a smirk evident in his tone, "that was somewhat of a consolation."

"I bet she's regretting ever having let you go," I breathed. I know I would.

"Maybe," he shrugged, "but I'm happy just where I am anyway, so you know what? Tough luck."

I smiled to myself, as I had an inner battle. On one hand, had I not seen the picture, I'd have never known about Joe's brutal heart ache, so maybe he was over this horrible Megan girl. Yes that's right, I don't like her.

But on the other hand, the moment he started talking about her, he wasn't the same. It seemed his confidence faltered, and I hated that she had that affect on him.

"What are you thinking?" he nearly whispered, watching me intently.

I can't believe what you're doing to me.

"Nothing really," I lied, "come on, break is over."
♠ ♠ ♠
I kind of, sort of, like it. Not my best, but I AM satisfied :)


p.s. Thank you for the beautiful banner, Reina!