So I Need You

The New Kid


I woke up Tuesday morning, feeling alive and refreshed. My dad hadn't come home the night before, and though my mother was obviously very concerned, neither of us could deny the light mood in the house. We walked around, feeling unafraid for the first time in a very long time. Knowing my dad, he was at some hotel, suffering a severe hangover. Or maybe, just maybe he had been arrested, and couldn't contact us!

OK, so I was definitely letting my imagination run wild, but I couldn't help it. The peace and calmness I felt with him gone, was unexplainable. He'd ruined the only place I could call home, and I was forced to search for comfort. That was what I'd never forgive him for. It wasn't the bruises, or the scars, it was the abandonment I felt.

I jumped out of bed, humming, as I made my way over the my dresser to pick out my clothes for the day. I got dressed quickly, applying a small amount of make-up to my green eyes, and tousling my mid-back length hair in the mirror. I grabbed my book bag, ready to leave.

"You're chirpy this morning, aren't you?" my mother beamed, standing at my door. She too looked well rested, and happy.

I stopped abruptly, smiling kindly at her. "Well, you're not your usual gloomy-self either mom," I replied. "So, where's dad anyway? Is he going to grace us with his absence, for much longer?"

She shook her head, disappointedly. "Please don't speak like that Beth," she sighed. "I know you're angry, but you can't speak that way about your father, he will always be your father."

I rolled my eyes, groaning in frustration, before walking right past her.


I spun around quickly, facing her angrily. "Just like I'll always be his daughter, right?" I asked, incredulously. "I've lost all respect for him, and nothing he will ever do will change that. I love him because he's my dad, and for no other reason. But saying that I like to have him around, well that would just be a lie."


"So, Emmy's having a party I hear, " Amber questioned, as we sat on the steps in front of the school that day at lunch.

"Yes, something about her boyfriend coming to L.A.," I nodded, "she said there would be seniors too though, he's got older brothers or something. I'm going, you up for it?"

"Like I'd let you go alone," she breathed, rolling her eyes as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I threw my napkin at her, laughing in disbelief. "Do you actually think I'd be unable to comport myself for one junior house party? Please Am, you completely underestimate me."

"No, you completely underestimate a guys' ability to get in your-"

"Excuse me?"

The two of us looked up to see who Amber had been interrupted by. "Are you seniors?" the dark-haired boy asked hopefully. His features were incredible, almost too perfect.

"Yeah, we are," I replied, surprised to find that I'd become slightly breathless. I let my eyes travel up and down his body, intrigued by his boyish sense of style.

"I'm Joe," he smiled, offering his hand.

I shook it politely, unable to suppress the smile on my face. "Beth," I breathed.

He glanced down at the paper in his hands, "I was just wondering if you ladies could tell me which room Mrs. Blake teaches in, I have her for English next period."

"Oh, yeah she's in room 3301," I replied, pointing to it on the school map.

He smiled, confusion written across his face. "Sorry, and that would be where exactly?"

I laughed, "Meet us outside the administrator's office, we'll show you from there. We have her next as well."

He sighed in relief, "Thanks, I'm not used to this whole public school thing. You're saving my life."

"It's nothing," I smiled.

"Well, um, I have to go meet my brother now, so I'll catch up with you later," he replied, breaking the awkward silence. "Thanks again."

I nodded, watching him walk away.

"He is hot," Amber breathed.



"Shut up Amber," I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Beth, he's such a babe, and he came to you for help, how can you be so...uncaring!?"

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, she was so immature.

"I'm sure if you weren't gawking so much, he would've asked you!"

"He thinks you're pretty!" she laughed, poking me in the side.

"Grow up!" I snapped, much too loudly.

"Ms. Jensen," my English teacher called, "is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

"I, uh, no M-Mrs. Blake, no sorry," I blurted, glaring daggers at Amber.

She gave me a stern look, resuming to the poem she was reciting.

"I hope you know he was-"

"Shut up!"

"So I'd like you all to hand in an analysis on Frost's poem by this Thursday. A page or two, double spaced will suffice, no excuses! Have yourselves a nice evening," Mrs. Blake barked, dismissing us.

"Hey!" Joe called, catching up with me in the hallway.

"Hey," I smiled, "how did you like Blake back there? She seems kind of nasty, but she's not so unbearable."

He laughed, "Nah, she seems okay, not to keen on whispering and giggling though," he added mockingly.

"Yeah, Amber's a little bit hard to shut up sometimes," I joked.

He stopped walking, pointing at the locker beside him, "This is me," he smiled.

"Oh, well, it was nice meeting you then, Joe."

"You too Beth,," he grinned, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded, "Yeah, see you."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, personally I find from chapter five to six, it goes super quick, but I'm still pretty satisfied. I'm taking my friends' advice, and trying to think less, and not try to please everybody! Haha, I have wise friends. Anyway, I hope you like the update, oh and feedback, please! You know it makes my day, and inspires me to keep writing :)

Thank you Kat, for the beautiful banner.