So I Need You

Get Outta My Head


"So, you're coming tonight, it's official?" a hyperactive Emmy urged me.

"Y-yeah," I laughed, thrown off by her behavior. "I promised I would, so I will be there."

She smiled brightly, throwing her arms around me. "Oh, I can't wait! It feels like forever since I left Jersey, and now that Nick's here, I just can't contain my happiness!"

"I hadn't noticed," I replied mockingly. "I'm glad to see that Em, I've never seen you so happy."

She blushed, shrugging her shoulders, "I love him Beth, I really love him. I just, being so far from him was like torture. I'm just so glad to have him back, it feels like I'm home again."

Her words hit me like daggers, piercing me in my most sensitive spot. She was in love. She loved him, and he loved her. She'd found that missing piece, she had what I wanted. It infuriated me that I was jealous of my friend, but I couldn't push the feeling away. I wanted what she had so desperately.

"I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks," she beamed, "anyway, I have to go meet Nick now, so I'll see you tonight. I'll introduce you to him and his brothers! You'll love them, they're great."

"I'm sure I will," I sighed.


He rolled his eyes, "You know Elizabeth, the more I get to know you, the more I am seeing this arrogant side of you."

"You've barely known me a week Joe, you don't even know the half of it."

"Oh, excuse me," he smirked, putting his hands up in defense.

"And I wouldn't exactly speak if I was you Joseph, Mr. Hot Shot With Witty Remarks! You played the sweet, quiet new boy for the first day, but I can see right through your little act."

"Oho, you have no idea."

I smiled, highly amused by his response. Joe was one of those guys you just couldn't help befriending. He was sincere, and genuine, not to mention absolutely hilarious. He was a people person, and way to easy to get along with. At first, it unnerved me, but I grew to appreciate his unique personality.

"Oh, dammit!" he yelled, glancing at his watch.

"What!?" I replied, my voice equally as loud.

"Oh, no, nothing sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he laughed, "It's just, I was supposed to meet my brother Kevin ten minutes ago, you don't mind if I bail, do you?"

"Not at all," I smiled, "I'll see you in last period."

"Sorry Beth, I'll see you."


Ten minutes had passed since the school bell had rung, and Joe's seat was empty. Not that I noticed or anything. It wasn't because I was thinking about him, I was just, well, genuinely concerned. He said he'd see me, and he hadn't made an objection when I said I'd him in class, so he obviously hadn't been planning on skipping class. I glanced over at his empty desk again, unable to stop my mind from wandering to where exactly he could be.

OK, I know what it looks like, but it's nothing like that. Over the past few days, I was glad to say that I'd made a new friend. A week seems pretty quick, and in my mind it made no sense, but it just worked. I liked Joe, and he liked me too. It was simple and I wasn't going to deny the possibility of a good friend.

"Are you OK?" Amber whispered, watching me with concern.

"Yeah," I whispered back, "just thinking."

"About?" she smirked.

"Nothing in particular," I shrugged, "just stuff."

She arched her eyebrows, glancing over at Joe's place. "Nothing, huh?"

"Oh, really Am," I groaned, rolling my eyes, "you need to get a life."

She smirked, nodding her head. "Oh, Beth's got a crush!"

"As if," I replied defensively, "Joe's a nice guy, but I barely know him, I mean come on."

"Well," she went on, her voice low, "you've been spending an awful lot of time with him, for a guy you 'barely know'."

"Have not!" I snapped, "You're delusional, I hate to break it to you. I've been showing him around, he's new Amber! Grow up, you sound like a third grader."

"Oh, it's written all over your face," she squealed, reaching over to poke me in the side.

I smacked her hand away, annoyed by her childish attitude. "You are out of your mind, I don't like Joe, and I never will!" She looked over my head, her eyes widening a little, "I mean, I would have never even spoken to him if he hadn't approached me! He's the one who's new, and had no one else to talk to! I'm only helping him out, alright?"

Amber turned away, hiding her face in her hands. "So you're my friend out of pity?"

I spun around quickly, facing Joe who was smirking in amusement. "No, Joe I didn't mean it like that, I-I, uh-" I stammered, racking my mind for a smart response.

"You're really something special Beth," he laughed, patting the top of my head.

I let out a sigh of relief, punching him in the stomach, "You idiot!"

He smiled, "I'm-"

"Mr. Jonas!" Mrs. Blake yelled, "You come into my class late, and now you're disrupting the lesson!"

"Sorry," he replied, throwing himself down in the empty seat beside me.

She watched him angrily for another moment, then proceeded to the lesson once again. He looked over at me, trying desperately to suppress a laugh.

I put my finger to my lips, as I too had to force myself not to laugh.

And all the while, Amber watched, a smirk playing across her lips. She obviously thought she knew something I didn't I didn't want her to know, but she was so wrong. So terribly wrong. It was weird for me to feel so comfortable around someone in so little time, but that didn't mean anything. I barely knew him, for God's sake.

Sure, I liked his smart-ass remarks and the way his confidence just radiated in everything he did. I didn't mind the way he made me laugh either, or how he could make me stumble over my words, with his complex questions. But those things were general qualities, definitely not enough for me to have a crush on him, let alone actually like him. That was moving way too fast, even for me! I mean...wasn't it?
♠ ♠ ♠

OK, so I know it's moving a little quickly, which I specified about 800 times in this chapter lol, but ignore that tiny little factor. It just works out for me! At least I made you all wait for Joe, you guys stuck with me, waiting for your boys until CHAPTER 5 you should all give yourselves a round of applause right now!

Anyway, feedback me PLEASE. I need your constructive criticism. I love it when you guys say "I loved it, update soon!" but I'd love it even more if you told me your thoughts on it! So please :D it'll only take two minutes and keep me smiling all day long. haha ignore my corniness. Anyway, tonight, in honor of finishing school, I am posting TWO CHAPTERS so hurry hurry and go read chapter seven :D

p.s. Thank you Diana, for the beautiful banner.