You Are No Lion

Chapter 1 - Cersei's Wishes

You Are No Lion

Chapter 1 - Cersei’s Wishes
(Lyra is portrayed by Emmy Rossum)

Tears fell from my eyes as I ran through the allies in Casterly Rock. I came to a halt when I ran down an ally that was a dead end. I bent over catching my breath before I started to turn to towards the entrance of the ally.

“What’s this? A pretty bird not in her cage?” I heard a nasty voice say as I looked up seeing two men walking towards me.

“Leave me alone or my father will hear about this,” I threatened trying to hide how scared I was.

“Looks like you don’t have anyone here to hear you scream, no one to protect you. Let’s see what the little bird looks like behind all that cloth,” the man sneered as he backed me up against the cool wall reaching for my cover. The other man smirked behind him reaching to pin my arms against the wall. I closed my eyes as he pulled the cloth from my face the air spreading across my cheeks.

“Well would you look at that, she isn’t ugly at all! We are going to have so much fun with her,” the other man said his disgusting breath passing across my nose. I cried out for help but the other man covered my mouth with his dirty hand. The other man ripped my cloak off of me touching the exposed skin on my shoulders and neck. I screamed against the hand before biting down on it.

“You bitch!” the injured man yelled slapping me across the face. “I will teach you a lesson, yet, you think that you sit all high and mighty in that castle wearing your expensive clothes but I’m going to teach your father and you a lesson, I’m going to ra-“ the man was caught off in his threat when he cried out in pain blood splashing on my face from his mouth. The other man turned to see their attacker but he was cut down shortly after. I slunk to the cold dirt floor crying into my hands as both men bled out around me.

“My princess, are you alright?” Oberyn soft voice asked. I looked at him through my hands his face full of worry and his knife held tight blood running down it. “You should not have run off like that, these men could have taken your innocence,” Oberyn continued reaching out towards me, I pulled away sinking deeper into the wall. “I will not hurt you my princess, but we must quickly return to the castle before someone sees you without your cover,” Oberyn said grabbing my cover off the ground. I nodded standing up from the ground as Oberyn laid the silk cloth over my hair and pulling it over my mouth and nose. I took a step closer to him but I was still in shock and nearly fell but Oberyn’s arm flew out to catch me.

“You are in shock my princess, let me carry you back to the castle,” Oberyn said as he slipped the knife into his cloth belt and picking me up in his arms. I leaned my head against his chest my hand grabbing onto his robes. We walked quickly and quietly back to the castle Oberyn’s movements as quiets as a snake. When we stepped inside the doors of the castle my father and Tyrion were waiting for us.

“Tamina,” Father called out as Oberyn placed me softly on the ground. “Why would you run away like that, you know the markets can be dangerous,” He scolded pulling me into his arms.

“I don’t know what came over me father, I am sorry, I just heard the news of my betrothal and I got scared and I ran,” I sighed looking through my cover.

“I know this will be hard for you Tamina, but I had no choice, Cersei ordered me to marry you off,” Father said pulling the cover away from my face, looking at the bruise on my cheek.

“Cersei was actually saying for you to be married to The Hound, Sandor Clegane, but our father convinced her to let you go to Dorne and marry Oberyn,” Tyrion said as father pulled away.

“How can she order my marriage you are my father not her,” I said my voice raising with anger.

“She is the queen now, what she wishes is what we have to listen to,” Father sighed as I filled with more anger. “Lyra, is in your room packing your belongings as we speak, have her ready a bath for you and then continue packing, you will be leaving in two days time,” Father explained as I stared at the ground.

“Will you be there for the wedding?” I asked looking up lightly.

“No, but Tyrion will be, I have to stay here and watch over Casterly Rock,” Father said as tears welled up in my eyes. “Thank you for protecting my daughter Prince Oberyn,” My father said thanking the kind Prince.

“It is my pleasure Lord Lannister, she is to be my wife, I will never let harm fall upon her,” Oberyn said with a small bow. “I’ll escort the princess back to her room as well,” Oberyn added as he placed a hand on my back urging me to move towards my room.

“Get rest dear sister, traveling will be tiresome,” Tyrion said as I walked way from the hall.

How can this happen, how can they just let my sister force them to do this? I thought as tears welled up in my eyes.

“I know this isn’t what you want, to marry some foreign man, but I will never cause you harm, and I will never allow your sister’s words or hatred to reach you,” Oberyn admitted as I looked up at him tears slipping from my eyes.

“I’m sorry Prince Oberyn, it is nothing to do with you, you seem very noble and kind, I just fear my sister, she has all this power to spread through Westeros and here she is causing me pain,” I confessed looking away from Oberyn. “All she has ever done was cause me pain, when I was a baby, she dropped me on the ground but luckily Tyrion caught me before I was hurt. Seven years ago she sent assassin to kill me and my mother, Jaime and my father killed the assassin but my mother was killed before they could stop him. She is a cruel being and she is jealous of father’s care for me,” I admitted. Oberyn was quiet his hand reaching to wipe a tear from my eyes.

“The Lions have always had much bite, but they try and cast you aside because you are the greatest threat, she fears your greatness, and the power you will gain, you will one day be Cersei’s down fall and she knows it,” Oberyn promised pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I blushed pulling away from the Prince.

“Go relax and bathe my princess, I will see you tomorrow,” Oberyn spoke softly as I opened the door to my room.

“Thank you Prince Oberyn,” I whispered before entering the candle lit room.

“Lyra,” I called out walking into the room.

“Yes Milady,” she asked as your was folding my dresses.

“You know when it’s only me you can call me Tamina,”I said softly.

“I know but you are going to be a princess soon and I would hate for someone to think I disrespect you,” she replied smiling.

“You are my closest friend, I would never let anything happen to you,” I promised.

“That is good because I will be traveling with you to Dorne to continue taking care of my Princess,” Lyra said trying to imitate Oberyn at the very end.

“Oh, he doesn’t sound like that, but his accent is very. . .” I trailed off thinking.

“Very what Milady, seductive?” She joked covering her mouth from laughing.

“Yes,” I admitted blushing lightly.

“He is very handsome, I also heard he is very fertile, has eight bastard children,” Lyra added as I sat in front of my vanity taking the clips out of my hair.

“Eight!? Are they all with the same woman, how can I compare to her if they have eight children together,” I worried touching my brown hair.

“The oldest four are from different women the youngest four are all from Ellaria Sand, a very beautiful woman but I have heard she was sent to marry a man in Pentos leaving the children in Sunspear,” Lyra explained as she readied my bath.

“Do you know what Sunspear is like, I heard a lot of the Dorne area is just sand but Sunspear is a thriving city,” I asked slipping out of my dress.

“It is always bright and sunny there, and the people are grand, I believe there is no place safer for a Lady like you Tamina,” Lyra admitted testing the waters temperature with her hand.

“Does he acknowledge his bastards or is he like all the other Lords?” I questioned slipping into the bath the warm water washing away the dirt.

“He cares for them and loves them like they were not bastards,” Lyra answered bringing the soups over to me.

“Do you think I could be a good mother to them?” I asked rubbing the lavender sensed soup on my legs and arms.

“You were always good to Tommen and Myrcella when they are around so I think you will be just fine, and soon enough you will bare him children,” Lyra assured cleaning my hair with lavender.

“I am scared Lyra,” I admitted looking at my hands in the water.

“Scared of what?”

“Of losing my innocence, what if I am not good enough for him and he throws me aside and beds other women like King Robert does with Cersei,” I stammered.

“It will hurt at first but then it will give you the best feeling you have ever experienced and knowing the kindness of the prince he will take care of you and make sure you are comfortable. As for King Robert and Queen Cersei, the king doesn’t bed her because she is a snarling dog,” Lyra said causing me to laugh.

“I am glad you will be with me my friend, I would truly be lost without you,” I smiled leaning my head in her hands.

“I have been your chambermaid since we were both girls, I would never dream of letting someone who doesn’t know you take care of you, now up out of the bath you need rest tomorrow is the feast in honor of your betrothal and then we will be off in a boat to Dorne,” Lyra said as she grabbed my robe.

“I thought we were leaving in two days?” I asked wrapping up in the cool silk.

“Yes today and tomorrow, two days Lady Tamina,” Lyra said as she pulled back the sheets.

“Do you think Father will miss me?” I asked sliding into bed.

“More than anything,” Lyra said as she covered me up. “Now sleep, I will go pack my belongings and then in the morning I will wake you and dress you for the day,” Lyra continued blowing out the candles and leaving the room. I sighed staring into the darkness of the room the moon shining through the room.
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