Good Night, Love

The rules of the school

We were students in one of the most expensive international schools in Berkshire (which is england by the way)

It's not as revered as eton college but it had it's own kind of ritz and glamour, that made it should I say this...charming

In reality, it was also very strict in it's rules

take these for example

"students should never leave the school premises lest it be a weekend, school related trip, or given handwriiten permission by the dean"

"random item and body searches will be conduted on each student for contraband items. If a student is found to have any sort of contraband, he/she will be sent back home and will be duly investigated. he/she will also be stripped of any award or honor he/she may have received over the school year and placed on probation once he/she returns. If found guilty, student shall be expelled and is forbidden to apply to any partner schools."

"romantic relations amongst the students is forbidden"

The last one is pretty medieval but it is one of the rules most strictly enforced.

We still broke it though

Richard was my best friend

He was french

and contrary to popular belief, french people do not walk around wearing berets and striped shirts

only the mimes do that

I had this GIGANTIC crush on him

but I didnt tell anyone because of the rule and I didn't want the friendship to go down the toilet if he didnt like me in that way too

but he did.

He loved me more that I would have imagined

and he was the one who said it first
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gack! first time I went online in days every since my relatives came over.

It's probably not as good but it'll get better, promise
