Cents and Kents

Chapter 3

After Sunday and church it was Monday, so more school and seeing Dia after we made up. I'm somehow more excited to see her after our fight. I spotted her in the hallways talking with Éxy. I went up to talk to her but it was the kind of conversation you can't interrupt.
"I'm sorry, Dia. I don't have feelings for you. I know you'll find someone else but - “Éxy explained.
"Stop! I knew this would happen. There's just not enough room for me, is there? 'Cause you already like Agápe right?" Oh no, I shouldn't be listening. Whatever he says I'm not supposed to hear, but I couldn't stop it. The words were out of his mouth before I could walk away.
"No, I don't have feelings for her. I've only been at this school one day, I can't just start dating anyone who I have something in common with."
I guess love isn't just something one person feels and not the other. When one person doesn't have feelings, then the other won't either. If one does and the other doesn't, then the former must just not be sure of what he or she wants and/or the latter might just be denying his or her feelings. Now I don't have to be accused of being the former. Then I noticed Éxy was glancing at me. He knew I was there. How long did he know? Did he just say that because he knew I was listening? I saw him walking away, I'm not sure to where.
"Dia, I'm sorry."
"Agápe! He doesn't like you, there's no reason for him to not have feelings for me now that you're not part of it! I can't believe I was so stupid to ask him in the first place! Great advice!" Dia ran off to the bathroom. Alright so now where do I stand with her? I don't think she's mad at me so I didn't worry about us. Just her. I made my way to the bathroom to try and find her and I ran into Fili again.
"Hey Fili, do you want to help comfort Dia? She just got rejected by Éxy when he said he had feelings for her."
"Sure, I'll help." we went into the bathroom and heard light sobbing.
"Dia?" I asked, the sobbing stopped.
"It's okay Dia, you can keep crying." The crying continued, it was coming from the second stall. I went over to the stall and lightly knocked on the door.
"I'm fine, I just need to cry a little bit." she replied.
"I understand, it will make you feel better." I said
"Do you want us to go?" Fili asked.
"Just Agápe. It's nothing against you, but it just makes me think of how horribly I acted in front of Éxy and it also conjures up feelings from a couple of days ago."
"It's okay, I understand." I didn't really. I thought we were over that but I guess the wound is still fresh.
"Hi, Agápe." I turned around and Éxy was standing behind me.
"Hey, Éxy."
"I'm sorry I rejected Dia, but I don't feel anything towards her."
"It's fine, I think she just sort of did the same to me. Fili and I tried to comfort her but she asked me to leave. I know it wasn't about me, but it just hurt a little."
"It's okay, I know you guys will get over it. You've gotten over worse."
"Thanks, Éxy."
"No problem. I guess we'd better start heading to English."
"Yeah, let's go." we walked in silence for a while, neither of us knowing what to say to the other.
"So I guess your first few days have been pretty eventful." I said.
"Heh, yeah. I guess my years of eventless homeschooling are being made up for early."
"Did you like homeschooling?"
He shrugged.
"I liked it for some reasons and I like it here for other reasons."
"That makes sense. Oh, we're here." we were in front of the class for English. Éxy and I walked in and stood next to each other during class.
"Your essay was great, Agápe!" the teacher said as she placed my paper with an A+ on my desk. I smiled.
"Your's was amazing too, Éxy!" I glanced at it and it was an A+ too.
"You had to write a paper on your first week of school?"
"I didn't have to, but I heard that everyone else was and I was feeling up for it so I asked the teacher for directions."
"Sounds like something I'd do in that situation."
He chuckled.
"It kind of scares me how alike we are."
"It's just because we both love learning I guess." I said.
"But it is nice to have someone who understands me. Everyone else I know wouldn't try to learn a thing for the rest of their life if they could"
"I know the feeling. At the school I went to before I was homeschooled, everyone was so apathetic about learning that I was the only one in school with A's on my report card."
"I don't think most of the people know you CAN get an A." We both laughed.
"Hey, where's Dia? I thought she'd be here by now." Éxy asked. I looked around the classroom and noticed she and Fili still weren't here.
"They must still be in bathroom. I hope they make it in here before class starts."
"Okay, everyone! Today we'll be learning about different types of phrases." the teacher said.
"Called it." the door closed and Dia and Fili were nowhere to be seen.
"I guess time got away from them." Éxy said.
"Guess so." I replied. People usually don't just not come to class. There's usually a quiz at the end of the session and if you don't come at the start of it, you fail. I wanted to go warn them but by now it wouldn't do anything. The teacher was taking attendance and they still weren't there.
"Diaskédasi?" No reply.
"Here." he replied.
"Filiká?" Still nothing.
"Alright two missing kents. Anyway..." she continued on through the list. Éxy whispered to me,
"I didn't know she liked me so much."
"I wouldn't know. I don't know what crushes that last more than a day are like."
"I don't have much experience either, but it doesn't seem like we've known each other long enough for her to be that upset."
"Do you think I should go make sure she's okay?"
"I'm not sure, it wouldn't do much now if they came back and she's already got Fili with her."
"Yeah, I guess. They probably just didn't realize they were supposed to come to class until it was too late and after that they didn't try to come back."
"I wouldn't worry about it, now I'd better pay attention. I have the most trouble with types of phrases."
"I can't believe this, I do too."
Éxy and I ran out of class the second the bell rang. I spotted Dia and Fili coming out of the bathroom before all the other students flooded the hallways.
"I saw them!"
"Alright, let's go talk to them."
We walked toward the direction I saw them in and we caught up to them after a while.
"Dia, Fili! Where were you during English class?" I asked
"We lost track of time. Guess we failed the quiz." Fili said.
"Yeah, you did." Éxy said.
"What was it about?" Dia asked
"Types of phrases. Gerund, participle, infinitive and so on." I answered.
"I probably would've failed anyway, I can never remember those." she said.
"So I guess you're okay. I wasn't sure how long you were crying because of me but you look fine."
"It doesn't matter to me anymore, I only cried for like five minutes. Five minutes too long apparently, everyone was in their classes by the time we were done."
"Alright, sine you're fine I guess I'd better... Go wherever I’m going next..." Éxy said as he moseyed around, trying to find somewhere to go. After a while, he was talking in a group of cents.
"Sorry I told you to leave, Agápe. I just was already upset and reminded about our fight."
"It's fine, I understand. I thought we were past it but -”
"I want to be, but I just acted so irrationally and I don't feel anything now, but I was vulnerable when I was crying. It was just about me, not you."
"Alright, that makes me feel better." It wasn't about me. She was just reminded of how badly she acted a few days ago. Now that that was settled, I let it go and continued with another conversation.
"So I did surprisingly well on the quiz for English. Phrases were the one thing I thought I'd never learn, but I think I've got it now. I can go over them with you guys later if you want."
"Thanks, but I'll just look through the book later and try to memorize them." Dia said.
"What about you Fili?"
"No, that's fine, I'll figure them out. I have to go."
"Okay, bye." Dia said.
"That was kind of weird. I wonder where she had to rush off to."
"I guess she saw someone she knew. Could've been anyone since she knows everybody."
"That's true." I responded. I had a strange feeling something was going on with her but I dismissed it since it was probably nothing. Suddenly, there was a lot of commotion. All the taurs ran outdid ego the front of the school yard. Dia and I didn't know what was going on, so we followed all of them there. As we got closer to the door, faints sounds of people yelling "fight" became louder and louder. I barely was able to look over the crowd and see two cents circling each other. I could barely make out the face, but it looked like Éxy!
"Hey, Dia. Do you see Éxy anywhere in the crowd?" She looked around no didn't seem to see him,
"I don't think so, why?"
"I think he's the one fighting."
"What? That can't be right. I couldn’t imagine him... Oh my gosh I think that IS him!"
"Éxy?!" I yelled that to see if he would turn his head in response. I didn’t think that through though, he looked right in my direction and our eyes accidently met. I let out a small gasp and looked down as quickly as I could. How had I not made eye contact with anyone else today? Something weird happened, I didn't feel the crush come. I tried looking at Éxy again, who was already back to looking at the person he was about to fight, and I didn't feel anything. I had time to think about that later though, right now I had to find out why he was about to fight someone. I trotted through the crowd, just barely making it out, and I ended up in front of everyone but that didn't matter to me at the moment.
"Éxy, what are you doing?"
"Don't worry Agápe, I'm not going to get hurt. It just something the cents in a group of friends I'm in do with their new friends. Sort of like an initiation."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't go into an actual fistfight."
"So there won't be any fighting?" another taur near the front said.
"No." Éxy said. The crowd got disappointed and most of them left.
"Alright, then have fun I guess."
"Thanks. Oh and by the way, our eyes met. Did you already get a crush today?"
"I didn't, but I still didn't feel anything. I guess it wasn't long enough of a look or something."
"Okay, good."
"I'll see you then."
"Bye." he went back to... Whatever he was doing and I went back to Dia.
"It wasn't really a fight, just some weird cent thing I guess."
"Fighting in itself is really already a cent thing, so this must be a double cent thing."
"Yeah. Something weird happened earlier. I looked at Éxy in the eyes before I got a crush today, and I didn't feel anything."
"Maybe you already have one but you just don't know it."
"I do not have a crush on Éxy, I made that really clear. We're not going through this again are we?"
"No, no. I'm just saying maybe you don't know you have a crush, but you still do somewhere."
"I'm sort of the master of crushes though, how would I not know if I've had them every day of pretty much my entire life?"
"You've never had a real one before. Though, I've never really heard of crushes that you don't know about so it was really just a crazy theory. But I can't think of any other explanation."