Cents and Kents

Chapter 6

The next day at school Éxy and I were as happy as we were the previous day, but this was less excitement and more contentness.
"Hey, twins!" I looked to see Fili next to me, followed by Dia.
"Hi!" I said cheerfully.
"I moved in with her!" Éxy said.
"That's awesome! Are you sad about leaving your other parents?" Dia asked.
"I try not to think about it, but I still feel much happier living with Agápe!"
"And it's really nice not being alone in my room all the time, it's awesome having a roommate!" I said.
"Hey guys! I'm a writer for the Taurs Newspaper and I wanted to do an interview with you two!" a girl said.
"We'd be happy to!" Éxy and I said in unison.
"You really are twins! Okay, follow me to the interview room! It's a lot less loud in there." she said.
"Okay!" we both said together again. We followed her to a small room that is used for clubs.
"Alright, my name is Néa, let's go ahead and start. How long have you known you were twins?"
"Only a few days." Éxy said.
"Alright, how did you find out?"
"Since my name is Agápe, I have a crush on every guy I make eye contact with. I accidently looked at Éxy in the eyes and I didn't feel anything, so we went to the library to investigate. We looked at a book that said the only way my name wouldn't work was if I was already married or if we were related, since I obviously knew I wasn't married then I knew we had to be siblings. When we asked our parents, they told us we were twins. Éxy decided to move in with us just yesterday." I said.
"Great story! Is there anything else you'd like to add?"
"Just that we couldn't be happier to know we're twins. I think I speak for me and Agápe when I say that we didn't even know we were lonely until we found out we were twins and never felt alone again."
"That'll make for a great quote! I think I have everything I need, thanks for the interview!" Néa said.
"No problem." I said. We left the room and were back in the hallways.
"That was cool, I've never done an interview before." I said.
"Yeah, it was fun. I saw a book at the library a couple days ago about twins, I didn't really notice it before since I didn't think it applied to me but it does now. Wanna look at it after school?" Éxy said.
"Sounds awesome." I replied.
"Hi again, guys! How was the interview?" Fili asked.
"I think it went pretty well." I said.
"It seemed short." Dia said.
"There isn't really much to tell, we were friends and then we found out we were twins. It's incredible, but there aren't too many details. Plus, you know those newspaper writers, they can turn a single sentence into an article." I said.
"You can do that too. One time I accidently saw the essay part of a Language Arts test you turned in, there must have been 3 paragraphs for one question!" Fili said.
"It's my way of securing full points. What teacher could take away points from such a long and detailed explanation?" I said.
"I do that too! Twins? Try clones." Éxy said.
"You two should be newspaper editors, you already have the ability to write down a lot in a short amount of time." Dia said.
"I don't know, I'm not good at finding topics to write about. Néa was probably really relieved that she got a good story about us being twins." I said.
"Yeah, I don't see myself as someone who could report on school lunches and all of that." Éxy said.
"We should do something whenever we find out we have something in common. Let's high five and say 'twins!'" I said.
"Exactly what I was thinking. Twins!" he said while high fiveing me.
"Okay, back to the original subject. You've admitted yourself that you can write a lot about anything, you could at least try." Dia said.
"The clubs here are really lame though, I've tried almost all of them and none of them were as interested as I thought they'd be." I said.
"So what's the harm in trying one more?" Fili asked.
"Because, what if I turn out to be a great writer but then I get really bored or stressed out because of the club but people still want me to write?" I asked.
"Then you'll quit anyway. Just try it!" Dia said.
"Alright, I guess so. Are you going to join too, Éxy?" I asked.
"Twins." he said as he high fived me.
"Awesome!" I said. We went to the room we were in for the interview after we went to our classes.
"Hi, twins! What can we do for you?" Néa asked.
"Éxy and I were thinking about joining the newspaper." I said.
"Really? Dimo! The twins want to join! This will be awesome! You two can do a joint column! You can give two sides of a story! And you'll be TWINS! EEE!" Néa exclaimed.
"Hey, guys! You want to join the Taurs Newspaper?" Dimo said.
"We're just trying it out, we aren't really completely committed yet... Are you okay?" Éxy said. Néa was still bouncing with excitement.
"Oh, sorry. We just don't have much help around here. It's really just me and Dimo." Néa said.
"By the way, I'm Dimosíografos. I never really introduced myself," We shook his hand, "But yeah, everyone else's names keep them busy with other things and Néa and I are the only one whose names keep us interested in news."
"I figured you were buzzing with people who wanted to do stories and we wouldn't be able to write about anything." I said.
"The opposite! We have so many ideas we want to do but we can't find the time for most of them." Néa said.
"Do you have a list?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's over here." Néa went to get the list.
"Yay! I love lists!" I said.
"Me too!" Éxy said.
"Twins!" high five.
"Okay, I have the list. If you want you can look over it and find things you want to do." Néa said.
"I love picking things off lists than list themselves!" I said.
"So do I! Double twins!" Éxy said.
"It is so cute how you do that! The students will just love you in the newspaper!" Néa said.
"Alright, there's an advice column, a fashion column, and a sports column." I read.
"Okay so there aren't really THAT many ideas, but if you have anything then feel free to add it to the list!" Dimo said.
"If it's going to be a joint column then I don't think I could do sports, I don't know anything about them and I have no desire to." I said.
"And I don't think I'd be a great fit for the fashion column..." Éxy said.
"Then I guess we can either do the advice column or make up our own. I kind of like giving advice, I just hope I'd be good at it." I said.
"We could try it." Éxy said.
"Great! You could do an introduction piece to get people to start asking questions and after that you'd just answer several each week." Dimo said.
"Sounds great. We'll make sure to mention if we have any more ideas." Éxy said. We walked out of the room and back into the hallways.
"Ready to go to the library?" I asked.
"Yep." Éxy said. We trotted and we were there in a few minutes.
"I was around here when I saw it. Ah! It should be right... Here?" Éxy said. I looked over to where he was and saw an empty space where the book was.
"Who else would need a book about twins in this town? I thought we were the only ones." I said.
"I guess they wouldn't have it here unless someone was going to check it out." he said.
"True. I'm sure they have another one." I said. We both searched all of the shelves and couldn't find another one about twins.
"We should ask the librarian about who checked it out, so we can know when it's available again." I said.
"Yeah." he said. We went over to the librarian's desk but there was no one there. For the first time we realized the library was completely empty, now that I thought about it I didn't notice anyone else when we came in even though there usually several people here at this time of day.
"Are they closed?" Éxy asked.
"No, the sign says that they're open, supposedly." The 'sorry we're closed' on the inside of the building meant it was open, so there was no reason for everyone to be gone.
"Let's go check the schedule." I said. We went outside and saw on the sign that they should be open for another 2 hours.
"It must not be a very busy day, and the librarian was in the bathroom or something..." Éxy said.
"Well, they don't have the book anyway so I guess we should just go." I said.