Cents and Kents

Chapter 8

As the door shut to the dungeon, we realized Fili never told us exactly where the book was.
"She probably didn't hide it in a difficult place, since she knew we would be the only ones looking for it." Éxy said.
"Right." I responded. We started looking for it in barrels and underneath everything.
"Agápe, I found something." Éxy said. I went over to where he was, holding the book. I let out a small gasp when I saw what it said. Not only was it the wrong book, but Fili taped a note on it. 'You are so gullible, of course I took away the meaning of my name. You, the town, and Dia doesn't matter to me anymore. Now I can tell the queen that you were faking it and no one will be able to stop us after you're locked up in plain sight.'
"She... Wasn't helping us." I said. It was an obvious statement but it made no sense in my mind.
"We should never have trusted her." Éxy said.
"I wouldn't have but she's always been so nice and bubbly, I could never believe she'd do something like this."
"She must be great acter then."
"So what do we do now? Fili was our only hope of setting everyone free."
"I'm not sure. It doesn't help that we're both terrible at coming up with plans." he said.
"We still have that one power though, Vasílissa seemed scared of it when we threatened her with it. Surely, it must cause some sort of damage." I said.
"Still, I'm not sure if I could kill someone."
"I never thought I could, but when we were threatening to... I realized that it really would be her life for the entire town's."
"We'd still have to deal with Fili though."
"It would probably be easier the second time."
"I've never seen this side of you. The one that would be willing to end someone's life." Éxy said.
"I've never seen it either, but is there any other option?"
"None that I can think of, but that doesn't mean there isn't another one."
"We don't have much time to try to figure it out. If this whole thing hadn't happened and we would still be in the dungeon for as long as we needed, then I would try to think of something else but we don't have time to think right now."
"What would we tell the town? Our parents?"
"The truth. The last thing I would want to do is kill someone but if we don't then our families, friends, and everyone we've ever cared about could be trapped here forever." Éxy went silent for a moment.
"This is the only option, isn't it?" he said.
"I wouldn't even suggest it if it weren't."
"We don't even know if it has the power to kill someone."
"We can't know unless we feel how much it hurts." I said as I moved one of my hooves forward.
"I'm not going to help you burn your leg."
"Just one second. A small moment to feel if it's actually fire. It probably wouldn't even be third degree. We don't have much time, they could be coming up the hallway now."
"Alright fine, but it will be as quick as possible."
"Of course." We held hands and reached the others out, both of us hesitating slightly.
"Now." I said. Burning filled my entire leg even though it was only a small part of it being burned. I jerked my both my hands and my leg back in response.
"Is it enough?" he asked. I was still slightly grimacing from the pain.
"Yeah." I said with certainty.
"We're doing this. The moment she comes in here... We kill someone. We become murderers, her life will be over." Éxy was hyperventilating.
"Don't worry, it's what we have to do."
"Wait, what if we don't know how to stop the spell? What if the cure dies with her and not only do we not save anyone, but we still had to kill her?"
"It's a chance we'd have to take. Plus, we'd still have Fili. I'm sure after we kill someone she'd be terrified of us and stop it herself."
"How are you so calm through all of this?" I paused for a moment.
"When we left the library and the entire town disappeared, I knew that they could've been dead. Ever since I found out everyone I loved could be gone forever, I haven't felt any emotions. I've been surprised, but I haven't felt worry or fear or anything like that. I feel like I'm a robot whose only duty is to free the town."
"Then this is our only choice." We both looked at the door, waiting for it to open and make us killers. We took our stance the second that we saw the light shining through it, signalling it opening. Five figures appeared in the doorway. Fili, Vasílissa, and three people from our town to drag us to the concrete room. But Fili and Vasílissa were both wearing what seemed to be armors. The armor maintened the elegance that a queen and princess always had in their clothes, but it went all around their body and appeared to be made of metal.
"Going to try to burn us? You showed me what power you had, didn't you think I'd be prepared?" Fili said. The three people came unlocked the cell and Éxy and I, thinking similarly as we do, ran out as fast as we could. We dodged the people and knocked over Fili and Vasílissa, taking longer to get up because of the armor. We galloped as fast as we could and didn't look back to see who was following us.
"How do we know where to go?" Éxy asked.
"We don't." I responded. We got to the concrete room, which also had a throne in it.
"That door leads to another hallway, that one goes to the library because Fili came out of it when she got the book, so let's go through this one." I said as we galloped to the door right across from us. It led to yet another hallway.
"How does someone have so many rooms?" Éxy said.
"Hold on, I remember we were led forward before we were strapped to the wall. This isn't the right hallway, it's the other one that's across from the ropes!" We quickly went back to the concrete room where the taurs from town came into at the same time as us. We galloped to the door that led to the other hallway and went as fast as we could, we saw a staircase at the end of it.
"There! The cellar door!" I exclaimed. Going faster than I ever have before, we made it out seconds before the other taurs caught up to us.
"NOW I have no idea where to go." I said.
"To the right." Éxy said.
"How do you know?"
"The moment they put the blindfold on us, I kept track of which way we turned when we stopped going straight. Now it's just the opposite of what they were." We went right and went straight until we reached another turn.
"Right again. The pattern was right, left, right, right, right, left, left. Since we're going at a different direction and starting at the end of what it was last time then it should be... Right, right, left, left, left, right, left."
"Good. So we take a left the next three times then a right and another left."
"Yep." After following that pattern and going as fast as we could the entire time, we came to the town and managed to get further away from the taurs.
"We should hide now, but where?" Éxy asked. I smiled.
"The forest. They'll never find us and we can't get lost."
"What if Fili comes after us? She knows the way too."
"I made my own path a while ago, no one else knows about it and I go there when I want to be alone."
"Are you sure you want to show it to me then?"
"I don't think I'll ever want it be alone again." Éxy smiled and we galloped to where the forest was.
"Okay, just follow me but don't go behind me. I don't want to risk being unsure that you're still there." We ducked under numerous trees and leaped over a few logs and then we came to a small, empty field that was barely any larger than both me and Éxy.
"It's a little small, but it was really only intended for one person." I said.
"Anything that three mind controlled taurs can't find is sufficient enough."