Status: NaNoWriMo


The Proposal

The Queen sat upright in her seat, her posture impeccable as always. She appeared to be listening to the noblewomen beside her as they made light conversation but her focus was on the children playing before them. The younger children were of no concern to her. Agatha's attention was solely on her son Henry as he played a game of cards with his childhood friend Katherine. Henry's eyes lingered on Katherine's face and developing body in a way that displeased his mother. When Katherine met his gaze they both smiled and looked shyly away. The queen was struck with a thought that she could hardly bear. The childish innocence of their friendship was beginning to fade. They were falling in love.

Unaware of his mother's scrutiny Henry continued to study his companion whenever she looked down at the cards before her. He had known her his entire life but today, after not having seen in her nearly two years, something had changed. She had matured into a beautiful young lady. Seeing her had caused his palms to sweat and his heart to race. Katherine had always been one of his closest friends and favorite people but now he was feeling something new entirely when he looked at her. Suddenly she looked up at him, her bright green eyes filled with laughter. She realized he had been staring at her and they both blushed.

"You look lovely when you blush," Henry commented. Katherine met his admiring gaze nervously, unsure how to respond to his compliment. Her pale skin colored a pretty pink when she blushed. Her heart fluttered against her rib cage. She had cared for no one but Henry ever since she had been old enough to show an interest in boys. She had never dreamed that she would be the object of his affections. In addition to being older than her and very handsome, he was the prince of Lilium. Many girls sought his attention. For the moment though, she had it and she didn't want to lose it. Her voice was lost in her throat. She reached for his large calloused hand and squeezed it in hers for a moment. Henry sighed in relief. "Okay," he said. "I'm glad."

Katherine's heart was full nearly to bursting with joy. The simple exchange between them held a lifetime of promise. No one else seemed to realize that this was the best moment of her life. She couldn't focus on the cards anymore. Her head was spinning. Henry had forgotten completely about the cards. He was overwhelmed with joy that Katherine returned his feelings. He stood and offered her his arm.

"Katherine dearest, will you accompany me on a walk?" He asked, trying to sound gallant. He met her gaze squarely as he waited for a response, wanting her to understand what he was truly asking. Katherine nearly fainted at the realization of the true meaning of his words. She glanced around but no one else had caught on to what was happening.

"I will," she whispered. She slipped her arm through his and let him lead her around the lake. When they were a good distance away from the group he led her to one of the shaded benches beside the water. They were still visible to their chaperons but their conversation wouldn't carry.

"Oh darling, I want to be clear," Henry said frantically. "I wasn't truly asking you to walk with me."

"I know Henry," Katherine assured him. She didn't quite know how to explain the depth of her feelings for him without being inappropriate or unladylike.

"Well, do you love me the way I love you?" He asked. "You're so proper all the time. I think you love me just as I love you but I truly can't tell behind that properly demure face you're giving me. I know that this isn't how it is done, our parents should be arranging this for us but I'm sure I can talk father around. All you have to say is yes and I will do everything I can to marry you."

Katherine was shocked by how forward he was being. This was their first meeting in nearly two years. He couldn't have developed these feelings so quickly. Henry's love for her had been growing their entire lives, even if he had only realized it recently. They had been meant for each other.

"Yes Henry, of course yes," she said quietly, unable to keep the grin from her face. He reached for her hand and pressed his lips gently to her smooth skin. They remained in the shade for a long time, laying their plans for the future. The picnic continued without them, as if no one knew what had transpired between them. In fact, the only person who had observed their love at all was the queen.