Status: NaNoWriMo


The Betrothal

Henry was pacing in his bedchambers when a servant knocked on the door. He opened it quickly, hoping it was a message from his beloved Katherine. His parents had stayed confined to the castle the past few days and there had not been any proper gathering where he could see her alone. They had been writing each other long missives and sending them by way of servant from her parents' small castle to the summer palace and back.

"My Prince, the Queen wishes to speak to you in the Rose Room," the young man informed him. Henry nodded his thanks and hurried to attend to his mother. He found her sitting beside his father. Occupying a third seat was a young woman he hadn't seen in many years, Princess Abigail. Henry bowed to the princess and stood before the three of them.

"You requested my presence mother," Henry said stiffly. He sensed that something was going on and that he wasn't going to like what was about to be said. Abigail fidgeted in her seat, drawing his eye to her pale, plain face. Her limp blonde hair was hanging down back. She kept her pale blue eyes on the ground.

"Have a seat Henry," Agatha ordered. Henry shook his head.

"No thank you Mother, I prefer to stand," he told her. He looked at his father but George wasn't making any more eye contact than Abigail.

"Henry, you know Abigail's mother was my best friend," Agatha started. Henry nodded and arched an eyebrow at her. He didn't understand what was happening but already a sense of dread filled him. "Well Elaine and I had always promised each other that our children would marry. You are old enough now that it is time for the two of you to be together."

Henry stood aghast as he finally realized what was happening. His mother wanted him to marry Abigail! It took him a long time to recover his composure.

"I'm sorry but may we speak about this alone?" Henry asked, looking pointedly at Abigail. Agatha shook her head.

"No. Abigail is soon to be part of this family. Whatever you have to say you may say it in front of your future wife," the Queen snapped. Henry avoided Abigail's pale eyes as he spoke.

"I am in love with someone else. I had hoped to marry her," Henry confessed. "I was going to speak to you about it."

"I'm sorry Henry but if the young lady you wish to marry is the Countess Fe Cirsium, she is betrothed to someone else," Agatha said, her voice cold. Henry felt his heart plummet into his stomach.

"Katherine is betrothed?" He asked, his voice tightly. "To who? When was this arrangement made?"

"To Frederick," Agatha announced triumphantly. "I arranged it with him and her parents. Everyone is pleased with the match. You should be pleased with yours."

"Katherine and Frederick?" Henry said. "You arranged for Katherine to marry Frederick and me to marry Abigail? Why would you do this? You must have known I wanted to marry Katherine or you wouldn't have had this plan ready." He began to pace. "Father, were you aware of this?"

"Not until the plans were already in place," George admitted. It was an oversight on his part that his wife had made these plans behind his back. It took much for him to confess that his wife had deceived him so thoroughly. "It is too late now Henry, the agreements have already been made. We cannot undo this."

Henry stormed out of the room, leaving behind his future bride and his parents. He was hurt that his mother could betray him this way. She knew he loved Katherine and yet she was forcing them to marry other people. He stomped all the way to his quarters. He slammed the door and then sank into the chair beside it, sobbing. How would he face Katherine with this news?